Chapter 40

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Ringos POV

Over the past few weeks, john had been coming over our house neatly everyday. he and George would sit in the living room for hours, talking about the band and music. sometimes they would write songs, but they didn't click like Paul and john did.

I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping some tea. George had gone food shopping and Paul and gone to go get his bass fixed. Finishing up my cup of tea, I placed the empty cup into the sink and walked into the living room. I turned on the telly, then sat down. it was always the same on the telly. the news or something about us.

I heard a knock on the door, so I turned of the telly and walked over to the front door. opening it, it reviled an upset looking john lennon ."john? George isn't here at the moment" I said letting him in . he walked in an sat down .

"It's not working ringo" he said, running a hand through his hair. I looked at him confused.

"What's not working?" I asked, also sitting down.

"Me and George writing together. we don't click!"

"Go back to paul, your hurting him john."

"Is he here now ?". I shook my head and stood up.

"But there's something you should see" I said before standing up. I led him to Paul's bedrooms and put my hand on the doorknob." this is how bad you've hurt him john. me and George have already seen it, it's time for you too see it for your self..alone. it was made for your eyes only " and with that I opened the door .

Johns POV

My eyes widened from what I saw. I walked into pauls room, shutting his door behind me. All along the walls, there was writing. I beg and reading what some of the writing. 'why doesn't he love me' 'was it something I did?' 'nobody loved me' 'he hates me because I'm ugly'. The list went on and it broke my heart. I felt tears roll down cheeks. I quickly wiped them and looked around . Everything was broken except his bed, well what you could call a bed. there was no pillows or a duvet, just a sheet.

I walked over to his wardrobe and saw my clothes that he had borrowed many months ago. I pulled them up to my chest and sniffed them . they faintly smelt of me, but mostly of Paul . I honestly felt like crying. this is what I've been doing to him over the past year.

I noticed one if his draws slightly open. I walked over to it and pulled it open . inside there was a purple box. I opened the box and smiled at what I saw. inside there was every single letter, note or love song that I had ever written for Paul .there was also pictures of me and him and at the very bottom of the box, there was a not that said ' for john'. I picked it up carefully and opened it.

Dear john.

I miss you, I really fucking miss you.

My heart feels like it's been ripped out if my chest. I can barley sleep now that your not here. I made a mistake of not forgiving you quick enough, and I regret that. I need you John . I miss waking up in your arms. I miss your kisses, your hugs, heck I even miss your sarcasm! I'm not sure if I'm ever going to give you this, I might not be here when I decide I do.

I love you john so so so so much!

Love Paul .

I had tears streaming down my cheeks. after everything I did to him, he still loves me. I feel like such an ass for what I did to him.

I out everything back to how it was, and walked out of his bedroom.ringo was sat on the sofa, George next to him. "ringo what have I done!" I cried, sitting on the sofa.

"You broke him, you hurt him and now it's hurting you. you may have a loving girlfriend and you may love her dearly, but you where made for Paul". I took in what ringo was saying and stood up.

"Thanks ringo, you always know what to say to people."

"I get told that a lot" I laughed and wiped my tears away.

"Bye ringo, thank you !"

A/N:this was so short that it actually hurt .

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