chapter 26.

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"come on" I said as I waited for Jane to pick up the phone.Around 5 minutes I got an answer.


"hi Jane its Paul"

"oh hello Paul how are you?"

"not so good"

"aw why?"

I froze.Did I really want to tell her the truth about me and John?.I sighed and thought that it would be best not to."oh me and john just had an argument and I was wondering if you would like to come over and have coffe with me" I said.I really needed the company after what happend, and right now, Jane is the right person.

"yeah sure.Give me the address and ill be over" I gave her the address and hung up.The snowglobe was still were I left it and I broke down in tears.I took hold of the globe and held it my chest.Why would he do that to me?Wiping away my tears, I stood up and placed the snowglobe in my room, on top of my bookshelf.

Hearing the door knock, I quickly walked out the room and answerd it.

"hello Jane" I said letting her in.She smiled and took me into a warm hug.I gladly hugged her back, breathing in her scent.She pulled away and took hold of my hand, leading the way to the sofa.

"so you and john had a big fall out then?" she asked, stroking my hand.I nodded and stood up.

"coffee?" I half said, half whisperd.

"yea please". I put the kettle on boil and put the coffee in the cups. John was all I could think about, But I've got to stop thinking about him.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the kettle whistle.Jane come over and shook my arm and smiled at me."you zone out a lot"

"ye-yeah it tends to keep me calm sometimes,here ye' go" I said handing her, her coffee.I took my cup and sat next to Jane on the sofa.Taking a sip from my coffee i sighed."so how's um the acting going?" I said trying to get a convention started. 'and to get your mind off john' 'shut it'

"oh its marvelous,great actually" she took a sip from her coffee and carried on. "the directors are always nice"

"that sounds um great"

"so how's the song writing going?"

I stopped breathing for a split second and sighed,running a hand through my hair."its uh its going good.I wrote a song not long ago..well actually it was quite a long time but..." I stopped talking as I noticed her staring at me. "is there something on me face?" I asked reaching up to touch my face. She laughed and touched my hand.

"no you havent"

"then why are you staring at me?" I asked but she didn't say anything, she just leaned in and kissed me.I kissed back, reaching for the back of her kneck.I pushed her back against the sofa and she started undoing my shirt buttons."lets take this into the bedroom" I whispered in her ear.She wrapped her arms around my waist and I carried her into the bedroom.I undid her shirt and through it across the room.She finished off taking my shirt and then my trousers.By then we were both naked.


we lay there on the bed in eachothers arms,just enjoying each others company."i needed that" I said stroking her red hair.She kissed my cheek and snuggled into me.

"me too" I got out of bed and started to put my clothes back on when I noticed the snowglobe sitting on my shelf. 'i love you more than Barcelona'. A wave of guilt washed over me.'but he did it to you'. He was right, he was right, john did do it to me.

"um Jane no need to be a kill joy but I really need to write some new stuff so maybe.."

"maybe I should go,yes I totally understand." she got dressed and kissed me on the cheek."bye Paul"

After she went, I got out my guitar and note pad and started writing...writing about John.

we said our goodbyes

love was in your eyes

now today I find

you have changed your mind

treat me like you did the night before

from then on, I continued writing into the night, finishing of the song I started a couple months ago.

a/n:sorry for not updating sooner,I've been crying over the boy in the striped pyjamas and the fault in our stars.

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