chapter 29

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                     ringos pov

after what happend today, I just wanted to relax. I walked into my house and sat on the sofa. Pulling out a cigarette, I lit it and took a long drag, breathing the smoke out from my nose. I told George to keep his mouth shut. But no he doesn't listen.For all I know he could ruin the band!

I finished my smoke and stood up. "maybe a shower will calm me" I said to me self as I headed up the stairs. turning the shower on, I waited for it to get hot.I stripped down and stepped in,letting the water relax my muscles.Around 5 minutes later I heard knocking coming from the door."for Fuck sake" I said washing the shampoo out of my hair.The knocking carried on going ;getting louder each time. "alright I hear you!" I shouted "ill be down in a minute".Stepping out of the shower,I quickly dried my self and put my dressing gown on.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to a soaking wet george."ringo lo-"

"no" I said and shut the door.George knocked the door again but I ignored it.

"ringo please its freezing out here" he cried,still knocking the door.

"then Fuck off 'ome then" I know I was being a prick about it but what he did was unnecessary.I heard thunder and then a flash of lightning and sighed.

"get in" I said as I opened the door.George walked in and stood in the middle of the lounge dripping wet.Sighing again and went and got a towel for him."here" I said chucking it at him.

"tha-thanks" he shiverd.His hair dangled in front of his eyes and it made him look unbelievably cute...wait what am I saying I'm angry st him.

"george what you did was wrong" I said standing in front of him.He looked down and mumbled an 'i know'."then why you do it geo?" I asked a little softer.George began crying and I felt really bad.

"i don't know Richard" he cried,his head bobbing up and down.

"its ringo" I corrected him.

"yea sorry" george bit his lip and sighed. "what can I do ringo" he asked,looking up at me;his eyes red and puffy.

"go apologise to john and Paul"

"ive already said sorry to John,he came round mine he said that he diserved to be dumped"

"he did but you didn't need to tell Paul,and the way you said it,George,was disgusting"

"i know" he whimperd.

I felt bad,I really did."come ere" I said opening my arms out for George.He didn't think twice about it.I rubbed his back as he cried.

"ringo I'm-im really sorry please take me back"

"George after what's happend today I'm not sure if I really want to" I said as I pulled away.

"i wrote...never mind you probably won't care" 

"wrote me what?"

"a song I wrote you a song" he said shivering.

"let me hear it" I said as I got him my guitar.

he gladly took it and started to play.

You don't realize how much I need you Love you all the time and never leave you Please come on back to me I'm lonely as can be I need you

Said you had a thing or two to tell me How was I to know you would upset me? I didn't realize as I looked in your eyes You told me, oh yes, you told me, you don't want my lovin' anymore That's when it hurt me and feeling like this I just can't go on anymore

Please remember how I feel about you I could never really live without you So, come on back and see just what you mean to me. I need you

But when you told me, you don't want my lovin' anymore That's when it hurt me and feeling like this I just can't go on anymore

Please remember how I feel about you I could never really live without you So, come on back and see just what you mean to me I need you I need you I need you

He stopped playing and looked at me."oh George" I was speachless."do I really mean that much to you?"

"yes,ever since day 1"

I looked at him and pulled him into a kiss."George Harrison will you be my boyfriend....again" I said,tears in ny eyes.George,who was still crying,nodded his head and kissed me.

a/n: theyre back together!I couldn't keep them apart,not even for a day.any ways what do you think?

love it?,like it?,hate it? let me know!

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