Chapter 41

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Paul's POV .

I was sitting in a small café, when I felt a small tap on my shoulder . I turned round to see jane. I smiled at her, nodding towards the seat in front of me.

"Hello Paul " she said sitting down. she ordered a tea and looked at me, frowning slightly.

"Hello jane" I said taking a sip of my tea. she looked me over and sighed .

"He still hurting you?" she asked. I knew what she meant by he. I nodded and sighed.

"I just don't know what to do any more jane." I said, my head in my hands . she got up and walked over to me and sat down. putting her arms around my waist, she sighed.

"I know paul. you need to show john what he's missing. maybe actually speak to him"

"If only it was all that simple. he's always got Cynthia attached to his hip. I like 'er and all but god does she get annoying!". Jane giggled and I have to say, it was one of the cutest things I have ever heard.

"Maybe you should give him a taste of his own medicine" she said, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"What are you suggesting asher?" I asked, feeling my cheeks go red. I new exactly what she was suggesting.

"Well why don't I be your 'girlfriend' " she bent her fingers when saying girlfriend. " and see what john does ". I thought about it and smirked.

"You may of just thought of a brilliant idea!" I kissed her cheek causing her to blush. " well I've got band practice in 20 minuets, why don't you come with me" I said standing up . I left some money on the side and walked out. Taking janes hand in mine, we walked down the street towards the studio. not even a second later, we were bombarded with news reporters.

"Mister McCartney is this your new girlfriend !" one of them shouted.

"Paul what's happening with the band!" another one shouted. we just carried on walking until we got to the studio.

Walking into the studio, still hand in hand if I may add, we walked into the recording room. Ringo and George were playing cards in the corner. they looked up at me and rose an eyebrow when they saw jane . I just smiled and winked. I saw John and Cynthia sat at the back of the studio in each others arms. I looked down at the ground and sighed.

"Do the same thing " jane said, walking towards a chair. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap.she giggled and rested her head on my shoulder.

It sort of felt right with jane this close to me, like we were meant to be. I shook those thoughts off and kissed her cheek. I saw john look at me and then quickly look down at the floor.

"Alright lads" john said standing up. " time to get practising because if we want to do the best then we've got to be the best". I stood up and looked at jane.

"All part of the plan" I said before crushing my lips onto hers. she responded. her lips were so soft and gentle, nothing like johns. I pulled away and smirked. " should we get practising?" I said grabbing my bass. I saw anger rise through johns body but I just left it.

After practise was over, I set my bass down and walked over to jane, hugging her from behind. she placed her hands on top if mine and have them a small squeeze.

"Paul can I speak with you for a moment please?" john said walking over to me. I froze and nodded slowly. giving jane a quick kiss on the cheek, I followed john out of the studio. "What the fuck are you doing McCartney !" john screamed, slamming me up against the wall.

"Am I not allowed to bring my girlfriend to work ? seeing as you do it all the time" I smirked. I watched as his face went bright red with anger.

"Oh come off it paul, we all know your to queer to get a girl"

"Oh fuck off john! Why are you getting all jealous? haven't you got a GIRLFRIEND IN THERE!" I shouted pointing towards the door.

"Why would I be jealous of a pathetic little boy like you ?" john scoffed. " you. Cry about everything because you can't get your own way. your an attention seeking cunt paul!"

I'll admit that hurt.

"Like you can say much john. you get angry over everything . your just jealous because....because I've moved on.!" john just stared at me, anger still in his face. his hair was tousled and his milky brown eyes full of rage, it was quite sexy.

I just stared into his eyes, like they were hipnotizing me.he pulled away and sighed. "I don't want to see her here again" he said, fixing his hair.

"Then I don't want to see Cynthia here then"

"Who said you make the rules? It's my fucking band". he walked back into the studio and I soon followed.

Walking over to jane, I took her hand in mine and sighed. "I'm goin' 'ome love" I said kissing her cheek. she nodded and gave me a hug.

"Call me if you need anything" I nodded and walked out the studio.

Why can't I just get over john?

A/N:wow it's been ages since I've updated !

It will get better I promise.

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