chapter 25

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                     Paul's POV.

Today was the day that john was coming back! those 12 days felt like centuries but now he's coming back.I was fussing about trying to sort out the flat when I heard George cough from behind me."i don't know why your fussing about like this,its not like he really cares any ways". I stopped what I was doing and turned around.

"excuse me?" I said,dropping the pile of clothes I had in my hand.

"you heard me he doesn't really care Paul". I looked at George,anger rising up through my body.Why would he say that?

"george you don't know anything. John cares for me.He loves me.He's even told me!" I said,my hands curling into fists.

"pff really cus that's not me and ringo saw"

"what do you mean"

"oh my god Paul how stupid can you be! the only reason why John went on this trip was to get away from your whiney arse and to spend time with Brian.He doesn't love you Paul he loves Brian!"

"your lying" I spat back,tears rolling down my face."john would never do that.He loves me"

"yea he really loves you.If you count as kissing Brian behind your back as loving you then carry on"

"george" ringo said from behind George."how heartless could you be" George turned around and walked up to ringo.

"richie he-" ringo cut him off,pushing him out of the way.

"no George what you said,that was to much."

"but ringo" George said,crying.

"george were through." ringo came up to me and gave me a arms fell limp by my side's and I cried.I cried hard,really hard.

I watched George run out of the room and the door slamming.I jumped at the sound and pulled away from ringo.John would be back any minute and I wanted to be alone."ringo do you think maybe you could go?I want to be alone" I sniffled wipeing my tears.

"sure thing mate" ringo gave me one last hug and then left.George had to be lying.john would never do that to me...he loves me.

I heard the door open and close and in walked a very tanned john.He dropped his suitcase and looked at me.I jumped up and ran up to him,jumping in his arms."oh john I kissed you so much" I cried into his neck.He hugged me tight and rubbed my back.

"i missed you too Paul,here I got you something" he set me down and got something out of his suitcase.I smiled and opend the small package.It was a snowglobe of Barcelona and on it,it read 'i love you more than barcelona'.I set it on the table and hugged john."i love it johnny" I said kissing him.He kissed back and lifted me up off the ground."how was your trip?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"it was great macca.I've had loads of ideas for new songs and a new album" he said,setting me.down on the sofa.I smiled and thought about what George said, what if it is true? 'it can't be true he loves you to much' 'really that's not what George said' 'stop it' 'don't listen to him john does love you' 'no he doesn't' 'yes he does' 'SHUT IT'.

"paul? Paul!" john shouted,giving me a shove.

"wha what?"

"paul you were making funny faces and pulling your hair,are you alright?"

I sighed and stood up.What if George is really right?. "john I want you to tell me the truth" I said , looking him in the eye. He nodded so I carried on. "geo-George said that he an-and ringo saw you and Brian Kissing,is this tr-true?" I asked my voice shaking.Please don't be true.

"paul i didn't mean it I just-just gor carried away.I still love you paul" he said,standing up and stepping towards me.I took a step back so I was against the wall and fell down to my bum.

"why" I whisperd shaking my head."you told me you loved me"

"Paul I do love you I just...I didn't know what came over me." john said kneeling in front of me.I put my knees to my chest and cried.

"well obviously you don't" I cried back,Pulling at my hair.

"paul stop your hurting your self!" john cried,trying to take me hands in his.I pulled my hands away.

"your hurting me! you don't think John!what else happend on that trip!" I said raising my voice.John sat there quite,not moving an inch. "WELL!" I shouted causing john to flinch.

"i let Brian give me a hand job and blow job" he whisperd.

"what was that" I said,looking at him like he was a piece of dirt.

"I LET BRIAN GIVE ME A HAND JOB AND BLOW JOB OK!" he shouted shook my head and cried even harder.Why would he do that,he said he loved me.I started to kick my legs about,kicking john a few times."paul stop!" but I didn't stop.I kept kicking and kicking.I cried hard,harder than the time I found out my mum died.

"get out" I said pulling my knees up to my chest once again.John didn't move.I grabbed the nearest thing close to me,a shoe,and threw it at him."I SAID GET OUT!". John stood up and grabbed his suitcase and  headed to the door.He turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"i still love you Paul" he said and with that he walked out the flat.

I cried some more and eventually got off the floor.I had to tell someone.I walked towards the phone and dialled the number of some one I knew that could cheer me up...Jane.

a/n: oh my gosh I'm so sorry guys.So much drama.I hope you don't hate me!.
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