chapter 20

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                      ringos POV.

"GEORGE! I shouted as I ran through the house."HARRISON WHERE ARE YOU!" I shouted again,standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"WHAT!" I heard George yell in reply.

"come down here you nit and ill tell yea"I heard various bangs and crashes and then the thumping of George coming down the stairs.

"well?" George said in frustration.

"i got a call from eppy and oh my god he wants us to film a movie! he said that our appearance on the ed sullivan show and a hard days night was so good that movie producers want to make a movie with us" I said excitedly.I saw Georges face light up from the news and the next thing I knew he was flinging his arms around my kneck and kissing me.

"oh Richie this is amazing news! whats it called? what's it about? tell me go on!" he screeched in my ear.

I winced and laughed a little."well its called 'a hard days night' I know how ironic but any ways its about us travelling from Liverpool to London and we get chased my fans and sing and stuff,they won't tell me any more"

"so we have to travel all the way to Liverpool just to travel back!?" George said letting go.

"calm down geo its gonna be fun" I chuckled wrapping an arm around his waist.

"it best be".


                      Pauls POV.

we almost finished recording our new album 'beatles for sale'.It's an ok album not our best but its just something to keep the fans going whilst were filming our new movie.

"excuse me maddam" I said walking over to the girls on the train.we were filming a scene from our movie.

"excuse me but these young men I'm sitting with wonderd if two of us could come and join you.I'd ask you my self only I'm shy" they giggled and George and john got ready to go over before my 'granddad' interrupted them.

"AND CUT!" the director shouted after we finished the scene."good job boys very well done now go and rest".

We all obeyed and walked into a room."getting ready for those girls felt weird" George said sitting next to ringo.

"how do you think I feel! I had to act like I was interested in them" I said throwing my hands about.

"its fine macca,george.we know your not interested in them."john said pointing to him and ringo."and if yea were I'd throttle yea" we all laughed at John mimicking one of my lines.

I sat down next go john and grabbed his hand."its the singing part soon" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"aww" ringo and George said acting like fangirls."mr McCartney I love you" they said in high pitched voices.

"shut up you two" john said.I chuckled and squeezed his hand."what song is it?" john asked.I looked up to him and stared into his milky Brown eyes.

"i should of known better" John bent down and kissed me on the lips.

"well I don't think I should of known better" I raised a brow in confusion.

"what d'you mean by that?"i asked.

"well I've got the man of my dreams" he simply said."help me help me ive fallen in love with Paul McCartney"

we all laughed at John.we were off again filming,it was the singing bit.

"ill deal em" ringo said shuffling cards.

"aye aye the liverpool shuffle" john said.I tried hard not to look at him and to focus on my 'granddad'

"two for you two for me three for them." ringo said passing the cards.


I should of known better with a girl like you.that I would love everything that you do...

John looked so handsome.He was deep in concentration and I was deep in admiring him that I forgot I had to come in. 'shit' 'language' 'shut up'

"and when I ask you to be mine ahh in your gonna say you love me too" I sang looking at john.He looked back and me with love in his eyes and my heart warmed up.

"....the place is serging with gurls" shake said.John shot up.

" Please sir  sir, can I have one to surge with sir please sir"


after we were done filming the train parts,and actually got to London,we all went into our hotel rooms to rest before filming yet another scene in the morning.

"hey paulie" I turned round to see john grinning.

"what is it Lennon" I said slightly annoyed.I just wanted to sleep.

"look what I've got" he said holding up a bag of green stuff...weed!


"shh maybe we could y'know smoke it together"

I looked at him shocked but nodded my head,I needed to relax.

"great!" john said pulling out a ready made splif.He lit it up and took a puff then handed it to me.I took a long drag and then handed it to back to him.After a few minutes I began to feel light headed,like I could fly away like a bird.Looking at john,I noticed his eyes were red.I began giggling like a school girl."aye macca what's so funny" I couldn't stop laughing.

                       *1 hour later*

Me and john probably smoked around 5 more splifs,the room was trashed but we didn't care,we were to busy sniffing eachothers faces.

"should we *giggling* should we tell the others?" john said giggling.I started giggling aswell.

" its our secret".

a/n: hey guys so yeah a hard days night now comes in! I think I got some info wrong but don't sue me! its a fanfic it isn't meant to be accurate.any ways this is the first time I've ever written about drugs so criticize me about that.

like it?,love it?,hate it? let me know!

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