chapter 10

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a/n:ello loves.I don't usally do an authers note at the start but this is kinda important I guess.right so I know john met cyn before 64 and I think paul was already with Jane,but anyways I'm making it out so its like they meat when they go the pub and then during filming and also Pattie and mo won't be in the story :s and also I'm.gonna add the bit about Spain in cus why not ahaha love yous.

                   johns pov

I moved over for paul.He got under the blankets when I noticed something on his face.

"macca" I asked reaching towards his face."mm" paul replied obviously trying to sleep.

"are you..are you wearing my glasses"even tho it was dark I could still see the blush come onto his cheeks.

" they fe-fell out and I um didn't want them to get broken so I p-put them on" Paul was so cute.

"your so cute when you stutter"I thought outloud.blushing I mentally slapped my self across the face.

I heard Paul giggling and then the clink of glasses being set onto the nightstand.Paul was so warm but for some reason he was shivering.

"paul are you cold?" I asked him moving the covers over on him more,trying to keep a reasonable distance.

I broke my heart of to what I was doing but I just kept on keeping the distance.

'your pathetic' a little voice said in ny head.yes he or she...IT was right,I was being pathetic.

"yeah just a tad" paul replied snuggling into the covers.I did a risky move and pulled him close to me,my arms around his waist,I felt him stiffen,I've done it now.I was about to let go before Paul stopped me.

"please don't let go" I was shocked at his words.

"did little James tell me not to let go" I smirked earning the girliest slap on my hand.

"dont call me that..Lennon" paul shot back Turing in my arms with a grin on his face.

"that was such a girly slap paul" I half joked half admitted."i can do better than that" Paul said "i just didn't want to hurt you" I gave him a little squeeze before laughing.

"what's so funny" the younger lad asked confused.I ruffled his hair before answering."just your cuteness that's all"

What was happening to me?! I'm turning all sappy I can't let that happen."yes I know" paul said sassily sorting out his hair.he was so sassy.



''do you really love me?"

I led there,unable to answer.I wanted to shout at him.I wanted to say 'of course I love you' or 'are you stupid I told you at the lake' but I didn't.instead I just sighed.

"of course I love you paulie" I started off,rubbing Paul's back.

"and If you don't love me back I fully understand.your probably as straight as a nail I mean I've seen the way you act around birds" I laughed a little,so did paul."why d'ya ask?"

"i just wonderd" I was about to say something back until I felt the soft sensation of lips onto my own.

I didn't respond for a minute.I just...led there.

I kissed paul back,but only for a mer second."what was that?" I asked touching my lips.

"a kiss duhh" paul replied sarcasticly..hey that's my thing.

"now now McCartney being sarcastic is my thing" I winked at paul and he laughed.

"that my friend was me saying I love you" paul replied before kissing me again.and to be really honest I don't know what happend from then on.


I woke up feeling exsposed.I still had my pants (boxers if your from America) on.the blanket was up to my waist showing of my exsposed body.

I went to go moved when I felt another body next to me.'did I bring a bird 'ome?' I thought to myself.but once getting a clearer look,I saw it was paul.I smiled and looked at him.he looked so peaceful.his hair  ruffled,his soft lips slightly parted,his breaths slow.I watched his chest fall up,then down.he was so gorgeous.

getting out of bed,trying not to disturb paul,I pulled on some pajama trousers,leaving some out for paul when he wakes up,and walked into the living.

turning on the telly,I flicked through the channels,stopping at the news.

"good morning citezens of London." the news reporter said."its official the Beatles will be releasing there new album 'A Hard Days Night' tomorrow afternoon" smiling I turned of the telly and walked into the kitchen.filling the kettle up with water,I lit the stove and set the kettme down,grabbing two cups and teabags from the cuboard.

I heard a grone come from the bedroom,and then the padding of feet across the wooden floor.

"mo-mooornjng" paul yawned stretching like a cat.he had the pajama trouser on,only leaving his bare me.

"good morning sunshine" I said winking at paul.he laughed before sitting at the table.

I looked at him,admiring the way he looks.his dark brown near enough black hair shon in the morning sun.his skin glowed like and angel.his eyes sparkling.

I was kicked out of my thoughts,when I heard the kettle go of,the whistling making me wince.

grabbing the milk from the fridge,I made us a cup of tea and then sat down opposite paul...just admiring him again.

a/n:im not to keen in this but yeah have a full john chapter *screams yay* I don't know when ill be able to update next as ive got a week of exams :c thank you all for reading,voting,commenting and following means a lot

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