chapter 22

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                     ringos POV.

"aye george I don't feel good" I said clutching my stomach.George came up to me and stroked my head.

"you shouldnt of got shit faced last night then" he said kissing my forehead. I sighed and stood up straight and started walking to the director.

"hey Mr director I don't really feel so good and I don't want loads and loads of cameras around me,maybe I could do a scene of me walking by the canal or something?" I asked putting on a hopeful look.

"yes..YES! that would be brilliant the film would get lots of hits with this scene.!" the director shouted. I winced at the sound of him and grabbed my camera.

"im a deserter" the young boy said walking along side with me.His shoes were dirty and rugged.His hair was in a bowl cut sort of way and his face was covered in dirt.

After I had finished my scenes,I went to go get a coffee."coffee please" I said to the waitress.She gave me a flirtatious lool but I just shrugged it off,I have George.The man of my life.I've loved him ever since we met in Hamburg.

              *flash back*

We had just finished playing our gig,my fingers we aching from playing the drums but it was worth it."hey ringo you coming for a drink?" one of the lads asked.I shook my head in reply."nah I want to watch this band called the Beatles" They all said goodbye and left.I was sat at the table by myself,a beer in my hand and drumsticks in the other.

"ello ladies and gentlemen We're the Beatles" a tall fello said.I looked up and noticed the band all had the same style.Black leather jackets,leather trousers,white t-shirt and black boots.I looked them over and my heart stopped when I saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

"thank you and good night" the tall fellow said.When they got off the stage,I followed them into the back room.

"that was really good fellas" I said taking out a smoke.

"thanks mate your not to bad yourself" the tall fellow said. "im john"he said shaking my hand. "and this is George,Paul,Pete and stu" A chorus of hellos came from the rest of the lads and I smiled.

"im Richard but people call me ringo" I said shaking their hands.

"why's that?" george asked.

"w-well its because of me rings you see,got four of em" I replied showing my rings to them.

"aye lads we've got a scouser" paul said nudging John.

"so we the way your really good on the drums" john said taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it.

"thanks your good at singing and playing guitar" I said.I turnt to George and smiled."you my friend are amazing on guitar" George blushed and turned his head away so I couldn't see.I heard the other lads snigger before saying they were going to get some drinks.

I turned Georges head so he was facing me and smiled. "how old are yea" I asked admiring him.

"im um...I'm 17" he replied.

"your here illegally" I laughed.George gave a nervous laugh.

"how old are you?" he asked taking out a smoke.

"20" I replied,lighting his cigarette for him.

"your the same age as John"

I was about to say something but  I was interrupted.

"aye ringo hurry up we gotta go" the lads said"

"ill see you later George" I said shaking his hand."maybe We'll meet again in liverpool"

                   *end of flashback*

I sighed at that memory and grabbed ny coffee.Sitting down at a table,I took a newspaper and started reading until I heard familur voices.

"...We'll be leaving after the filming of the movie."

"ok I've told the lads it was a business trip"

I peeped a look over my newspaper and was shock to see john and Brian,huddle up together on a booth.Brian's hand was on John's thigh and johns hand was on top.

"ive got to go ill see you around" john was about to leave when Brian pulled him down and whisperd something in his ear.John smiled and gave Brian a kiss.I was shocked,what would paul think about this?.

taking the newspaper to cover my face,I walked out of the café and ran to the hotel to find George.

a/n:long time no write aha..sorry for taking so long to update but I've been watching England fail in the worldcup and I've had shit loads of homework but anyways here you are.

love it?,like it?,hate it? let me know.

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