chapter 36

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                     Georges POV

"aye ringo where's paul?" I asked walking out the studio. I expected paul to be waiting in the car for us, but he wasn't there.

"maybe john gave 'im a lift" ringo said shrugging. I let out a laugh and got In the car.

"you'll have more chance of winning the lottery than john giving paul a lift"

"yea I guess"

the ride home was silent and kind of awkward. When we arrived home, I checked Paul's room to see if he was there. nothing. "ri-ringo he's not 'ere" I said worridly. ringo came by my side, looking into the room.

"oh" was all he said. I sat down on the sofa. "we could call john, Maybe he's seen 'im" ringo suggested. I nodded and walked over to the phone. I dialled johns number and waited for him to pickup.

"hello" it was Cynthia.

"hi cynthia, its George. is john around?" I asked.

"yes hold on" she replied. I heard a few murmers and then the phone being moved about, before johns voice filled my ears.

" 'ello"

" john 'ave you seen Paul around" I asked, twisting the phone cord around my finger. ringo came up to me and rested his head on my shoulder, making me smile. "hes not at home so we were wondering if youve seen 'im"

"yes he's at my house because the silly bugger wouldn't get In the car when I said. it was pouring out and he was turning blue. I asked 'im a few more times and he refused. next thing I know I'm carrying 'im to me sofa" john let out a nervouse laugh and I sighed with relief.

"thanks john, We'll come and collect 'im" . we said our goodbyes and then hung up.

"so?" ringo said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pecked him on the lips and smiled.

"hes at johns. we have to collect him" ringo nodded and soon enough, we were driving down the road to John's.

                     ringos POV

We arrived at johns and hurridly walked to the front door. we knocked a few times before walking in. Cynthia gave us a small smile when she saw us, and we have her one back."where's Paul?" George asked john. john pointed towards the sofa, where a passed out paul lay. he was dressed in John's clothed and his hair was damp.

"how long has he been out?" I asked, sitting down.

"about 20 minutes" john replied. Cynthia came and sat next to John, and he gave her a small kiss. he really loved her, I could tell. but you can see it in his eyes when he looks at paul, he still loves him.

paul started to ster and then slowly woke up. he looked around, confused."why am I in johns house" he said bluntly.john didn't say anything. instead he played with Cynthias hair, causing her to giggle. paul looked rather hurt and this.

"well it was raining and you refused to let john give you a lift. and yes you collapsed." George said, hugging paul. paul shakely hugged back before heading towards the door. without looking back, he spoke."well um thanks for making sure I was ok and letting me borrow your clothes" he was fiddling with his shirt button. john looked at him and sighed."its fine, you should listen more" and there he goes, being an arse.

"well I'm sorry. ill wash your clothes and give em back to you tomorrow"

I knew that was our cue to leave, so I stood up, grabbed George by the arm and walked towards the door. "thanks for making sure he was ok" I said."see ye later". john and Cynthia said goodbye and then shut the door.

we got in the car and drove home. today has been a long day.

a/n: I haven't updated in like s billion years so here you are.

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