chapter 24

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                      johns POV

"you will be careful won't you?" paul asked,sorting out my suitcase and checking I had everything.I sighed and walked up behind him,wrapping my arms around his waist.

"ill be fine love,its only 12 days"

"yes but 12 days is ages" he wined.

"look ill call you as soon as I get there and ill bring you back something nice"I heard him sigh and then shut my suitcase.

"okay" he mutterd and looked down at the floor.I lifted his chin up with my thumb and finger and saw that he was crying.I really didn't want to leave paul but I needed this break.

"hey Paul ill be back before you know it" I said stroking his cheeks,his tears like raindrops falling from the sky.

"ill miss you john" he said burrying his head into my chest.I squeezed him tight and kissed his head."lets go then,you don't wanna miss yea' flight" he said standing away from me so I could get my suitcase.I grabbed my suitcase and turned to Paul.Walking up to him,I placed my suitcase down,cupped his face in my hands and kissed like Ive never kissed him before.

You know those sayings were they're like 'i saw fireworks' well that's what I saw.His soft lips moved I'm sync with mine.I pulled away and saw sadness in his eyes.Picking up my suitcase once again,I walked towards the door,paul right behind me.Brian was waiting for me outside with george and ringo.Ringo smiled at me but George gave me a disapproving look.

"alright George" I said walking up to him.

"hmm" was all I got in reply.

"who shat in your cornflakes this morning" I said earning a laugh from everyone except George.

"piss off Lennon" george said crossing his arms.Ringo wrapped an arm around him and whisperd something in his ear.

"you ready then john".Brian said from behind.I turnt round and smiled

"yes eppy I mean Brian just give me one sec" he nodded and took my suitcase.

turning around to Paul,I leaned in towards him,to make it seem like we were whispering, and kissed his cheek."ill be back soon love,okay?" I said squeezeing his hand.he nodded in reply and stood with george and ringo.

I boarded the plane and sat next to brain,of course it wasn't any ol plane,it was a private jet.I felt the engine roar to life and slowly we were departing the airport.George,Ringo and paul all waved frantacally and soon they were just little black dots.I turned towards Brian and sighed."ever been to Barcelona?" I asked

"yes actually"he said."once,it was an alright trip" I smiled and thought of all the lovely birds there.

"i bet theres loads of birds there" I said taking my coat off.Brian let out a small laugh.

"yes it is known for its woman"

"your so posh Brian,I don't like it"

"i don't like the scouse accent much,its too...northern and it makes you sound lazy"

I signed a dramatic sigh and put my hand to my heart."oh Brian that hurt my heart" I said clutching my chest.Brian laughed and put his hand on my thigh.

"you're so dramatic Lennon" I laughed and awkward laugh.Ever since this trip Brian's been nice to me,like he's flirting with me.I know that he's queer and all but I have paul.Me and Brian have kissed but half the time I wasn't thinking.its just...I sorta like Brian...But I have Paul.

I closed my eyes and everything went black...maybe sleep will calm me.


"john wake up" Brian said shaking me awake.I woke up and looked out the window.Sandy beaches,beautiful old buildings,this place looked amazing.I stretched and waited until we landed.

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