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"Miss Min! Meet me after class!" I heard my teacher Mr. Song exclaim to me, wakening me from my sleep. I brought my head up and saw all the judgmental stares coming from my classmates. 

"Yes, sorry Mr. Song," I apologized. He sighed and continued on with the class. 


The bell rang for class dismissal and I waited for the class to empty out before I met my teacher. I walked up to his desk, ashamed of what had happened. This was the first time I fell asleep in class.

"Listen, Miss Min. You're one of the top students of your grade! If this issue occurred with an underperforming student, I wouldn't have been as forgiving. You're in the top of the school! I know that you are very hard working most of the time, but other times you tend to day dream or not pay attention. I'm positive that if you lifted that 75% effort up to even 95% effort, who knows how amazing you could be. Please, as a favor, try a bit harder, alright?" he spoke in a calm manner.

Mr. Song was a teacher that deeply cared about all of his students. He was my favorite teacher of the year.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Song. I'll improve," I said, bowing to show respect and gratitude, and left the classroom.

I gently closed the door behind me, and made my way to the front gate to walk home, since this was the last period of the class.

"Late again?" a sudden voice from behind scared me, revealing it was Kim Taehyung, my boyfriend. 

"Ah, Tae! Stop scaring me!" he chuckled and jogged up next to my side. 

"I'm free, let's go get bubble tea," he said as he grabbed my wrist and starting walking. But I had to go home, so I shrugged my wrist out of his large hand.

"Sorry, I have to go home. We'll get bubble tea later, OK? Bye!" I waved to him, leaving him dumbfounded and starting to run home, since I was already late with the short meeting with Mr. Song. My mom is generally the more strict type. 

By running home, I wasn't too late, just a few minutes, which is practically unnoticeable. I walked in, greeted my mom who was cooking at the time, and set my backpack down on the floor. 

"Hi eomma, is Yoongi home?" I asked, watching her cook the sizzling meat. She turned around and shook her head. 

"He's at his 'lab' as always," she replied, turning off the stove and taking the pan off the hot surface and onto the dining table. 

My brother, Yoongi, the kid that shows up late to school and leaves early. He's a year older in his last year of high school but he's just so strange. He was never sociable, had no friends, and was bullied his whole life.

Ever since 2 years ago, Yoongi has spent pretty much his whole life outside of school in that 'lab'. He never let anyone in, and we don't know what he does inside. 

But my mom lets him be, because ever since our dad passed away 3 years ago, Yoongi has developed some mental traits. Sometimes, when he's angered, he turns into a horrifying psychopath. But when he's calm, he can be such a sweet brother. Almost like...multiple personality disorder...? No, maybe just a bit mental.

My mother and I ate our food in silence, as she was likely thinking about the same thing. We finished eating, and my mom went to work the night shift while I started my homework. 


As I was working on solving a math problem, I saw the front door open and in coming was Yoongi.

"Hi Yoongi!" I smiled, setting aside my homework to greet him. He put down his backpack and sat on the couch, patting the seat next to him in which I sat down. 

"Let's talk," he said a bit firmly but warmly. "How's school?"

"Good. Everything's good, anything new?" I asked.

"Nope. How's that Taehyung guy of yours," he asked annoyed. Yoongi didn't seem to like Taehyung very much.

"He's good too," I replied.

"And your grades?"

"Straight A's," 

"OK good, because I remember your friend telling me that you don't pay attention in class," he said. Aish, who told him!?


The next morning I woke up, yet like always I was exhausted and wanted to stay in bed. But, like most days, I arrived at school a bit early...but today I saw an unusual event.

The school's "popular boys," were beating up some kid. All the students were watching them, so I pushed through my way to see what was going on. 

"Look at him, he's so weak! He can't even fight back!" laughed the leader, whom was beating the boy up. His name...

Jeon Jungkook.

Leader of the gang of the school, also the hotty that pretty much every girl but me drools over. Seeing him beat up an innocent kid doesn't make him attractive at all, it makes him a jerk. 

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