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Jungkook's POV

I couldn't let Yoonhee just run away. I began running after her and after a block I finally saw her. I again grabbed her wrist like I did in the library and she turned to me. 

"Hey, uh, sorry...for what I said," I tried to apologize but failed and sounded like a dweeb. I guess I just AM a dweeb. 

"No you're not, that's what you think, and you said it. Now can I please have my wrist back?" she said again emotionless, looking at her wrist which was held by me. I guess when she's angered or annoyed she just...shuts down.

"Ah you have it wrong, I d-"

"I don't want to hear you talk anymore, now please let me go!" she interrupted. She shrugged her wrist out of my grip and continued her way. 

Well, if this is how it's going to be...I can't lose the bet. I have to find another way to win...

Yoonhee's POV

(Next morning)

I knew I shouldn't have agreed to the bet with that jerk. Bad people never change, no matter how much you think...they still stay bad. 

I again did my normal morning routine of a shower, dressing up, makeup, and eating. But I was really curious to see if Yoongi was home, so before I left for school, I carefully peaked open his bedroom door...

And he wasn't there.

Usually he comes home every 3 days...it's been longer than that. I walked through the front door and on my way of walking to school I decided to text him.


Hey Yoongi, is everything OK? I haven't seen you at home or at school these few days

And to my luck he replied very quickly. 


Who have you been with these few days

What. Ah here goes bipolar Yoongi again.


A classmate. Don't worry oppa everything is alright. I was just worried about you


Well I was more worried. What's the classmate's name

Really what's wrong? I didn't want to tell him that it's Jungkook...since from what I remember Jungkook seems to know Yoongi...and it doesn't seem like they're in good terms.


Oppa it's ok, really! I have to go, I hope to see you at school :)

Let's see if I can escape this time. 


I'll see you at school...bye :)

I decided to listen to a bit of music before I reached school. I plugged my headphones into my phone and began listening to my playlist. 

I was listening to Agust D's Give It To Me, yeah I may be a brainiac but I listen to hardcore rap too. Plus I like Agust D a lot because he reminds me a lot of Yoongi. 


I finally arrived at school and coincidentally it was first period science class; which means there's a person named Jeon Jungkook there too. I wish I could skip that class, but I have to keep my grade and attendance up. 

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