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Yoongi's Point of View:

So...Jeon Jungkook ended up in the hospital? Huh, I thought someone as strong as him wouldn't be so weak. Even I refuse to go to the hospital. 

Attempting to shrug off the thought of a retard like Jeon Jungkook, I was driving back to my place to have some alone time. But you know what? That face of his just wouldn't escape my mind.

The way he laughs as he mocked me.

The way he walks thinking he's better than everyone else.

The way he gets away with pretty much everything he does just because his name is famous around campus.

Just...everything about him...

...I hate...






Jimin's Point of View:

"Ayo wassup~" broke in Hoseok as he entered the hospital room door. He swung his arms around like he's a rapper.

Seokjin smacked him in the head.

"You idiot! It's night time and other patients must be sleeping," complained Seokjin. I laughed at how much Seokjin likes to scold people.

Hoseok smacked his lips and rolled his eyes in response, but then immediately turned his attention to Jungkook.

"Jungkookie!!! How do you feel!!??" he cooed, ignoring Seokjin and making his way to Jungkook with his arms out like he's a mother about to embrace his child.

"I'm fine," Jungkook simply replied. We all gathered around his hospital bed, each of us sitting on an edge. 

"You sure?" Namjoon asked with wonder in his tone. "This is the first time I've seen you in such a state like this. Was there anything that lead to this? Did you have a mood swing? Are you facing depression? Did someone decide to fight you--"

"Use slow and easier words! I couldn't understand anything more than 'you sure' and 'mood swing,'" Jin bickered to Namjoon. 

"Shut up hyung! I'm just trying to get answers," Namjoon complained. 

"Before you guys start arguing again, all I'll say is that I did this to myself out of anger," Jungkook replied. 

"Anger? What for?" I asked, curious as to why this little baby would be so angry about something.

"I said that's all I'll say!" snapped Jungkook, his voice getting louder. To avoid any more conflict, the four of us stayed quiet.

"Uh, is anyone hungry?" Hoseok spluttered out of the blue, probably trying to get us out of the awkward silence. 

"Yes! I am," Seokjin cheekily grinned. 

"If we press the button, can they bring food?" asked Hoseok pointing to a big red button next to Jungkook's bed.

"This isn't a hotel with room service," Namjoon acknowledged. "It's an emergency button for patients who are having trouble or emergencies."

"I need food," Hoseok answered firmly. "That's an emergency."

Namjoon shook his head in defeat, complete with a sigh. I put my hand on his shoulder to console him. 

Meanwhile, Jungkook was laughing at us all. Hoseok and Seokjin were complaining about the hassle to get food, while I was comforting Namjoon who was complaining about how difficult it is to deal with the two. 

Seokjin noticed it and stopped talking to Hoseok. 

"Yah! We're not your clowns to laugh at," barked Seokjin. "Aish, I'm too hungry to deal with you anyway. I'll just order some food and have it delivered here."

"Do they even deliver food to a hospital room?" asked Jungkook. 

"They better--"

"Shhh! The phone is dialing!" shushed Seokjin as he put the phone on speaker. I guess he was calling some nearby restaurant that delivers.

"Hello?" answered the man with a squeaky voice on the other line.

"Annyeonghaseyo?" replied Seokjin. 

"What?" asked the man who was confused.

"Do you know annyeonghaseyo!?" Seokjin sassed. I was barely holding in my laughter since Seokjin was already turning red. He has such a low tolerance, and it's so funny.

"Ah, yes. Sorry, the reception was bad," the man clarified. "May I take your order?"

"Yeah can I have a large pizza and some pasta," said Seokjin. 


"Pasta and pizza!" Seokjin boiled. I ran to the corner of the room to let out my laughter because I couldn't hold it in anymore. 


"P-A-S-T-A PASTA! P-I-Z-Z-A PIZZA!" yelled Seokjin. He was the one who told Hoseok to be quiet, yet here he is being like eight times louder. 

"Oh, sorry, the connection was bad again. So a pasta and a pizza?" clarified the man.

"YES," answered Seokjin who was visibly annoyed by the phone call. 

"And may I have your name?" asked the man on the line.


"Alright great! And your address?"

"The hospital."

"Uh, okay...your food will be delivered shortly. Thanks for your servi--"

Seokjin already hung up on him and sighed. 


We had been waiting for the food for almost half an hour when we heard a knock on the door. Since it was Seokjin's order, he immediately ran to the door and opened it, revealing a delivery worker. He handed us several bags full of our food and utensils. 

The delivery man charged more for the difficult time of finding the right hospital room, and refused to leave until we payed more. Seokjin sighed, handing him more money than the charged amount, yet the delivery man still kept his hand out. 

"What do you want now!?" snapped Seokjin with sass and anger. 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" the delivery man wiggled his eyebrows, obviously reminding him about his tip. 

"I already payed you more! Just take that as your tip," clipped Seokjin. 

"I won't beca-"

"Hey, stahb it!" Seokjin slammed the door in his face.


Here's a short filler chapter since I feel bad for not updating in a while :(



I feel like a fortune teller lol

The song is catchy too! Go check it out!


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