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"Well this is...fancy..." I said still adjusting my chair to a comfortable position. 

"Yeah, this place is only for VIP's, and you're lucky that I'm here or else no one would've let you in," teased Jungkook and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yah whatever!" I kicked him under the table and he pretended to be hurt. Haha, idiot. 

You know...I think I have a slight crush on this douche bag. I don't know why.

Maybe it's because I'm happy around him, and when I'm not with him I somehow feel empty? Or the way I'm excited and my heart starts to secretly race when I see a text from him. 

I don't know...but I think I've moved on from Taehyung very quickly. 

Too quickly...

"Hey hey idiot, snap out of it!" exclaimed Jungkook as he waved in front of my face, escaping my daydream and back to reality. This is already the second time today. 

"S-So...where's the bulgogi or the kimchi rice you promised?" I asked with a playful smirk on my face. He raised his eyebrows. 

"Ah, that! It's downstairs," he smoothly replied. I mouthed an 'ah.' "Do you want to eat now?"

I shrugged my shoulders leaving the decision to him. 

"Hmm, let's eat now. You, stay here. Don't move a single muscle or else you're dead," he threatened as he began running down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

Since I've suddenly became a rebel I started to wiggle my fingers to pass time.

But, soon enough, Jungkook came back with a plate balanced on one arm with a huge, styrofoam cup in his other hand.

"Wah, daebak!" I cheered as he placed the foods on the table. He took out chopsticks and napkins out of his pocket along with two straws. "But, we're splitting it?"

I sat down and put the napkin on his lap like he's a proper boy, which we both know he isn't. 

"Yeah of course, don't think that you're some queen that needs her own food," teased Jungkook as he broke the chopsticks into two and began to eat some of the bulgogi. I followed and I took a piece of the bulgogi too and ate it. It was still steamy and hot, but very delicious. 

Eventually we both became quiet as we were enjoying the food.

And even though Jungkook placed two straws in the giant coke he brought for us, he was sipping it with both straws, so I wasn't drinking it because I don't want to use the same straw as him. Eewww.

Soon the whole plate was clean because we finished it all like pigs. We looked at each other awkwardly at the same time, realizing how we literally killed the food, and laughed.

"I told you this place has the best bulgogi and kimchi rice," he said a bit playfully and I chuckled.

"You were right for once," I remarked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, I'm always right!" he whined like a kindergartener. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, sure," I said with such sarcasm.

"Ah, well...ANYWAY," he yelled the last part which was so weird but it's Jungkook so I get it. "It's getting pretty late...but there's still another thing we need to do before you leave."

He grabbed my wrist and he ran out the door and down the stairs still dragging me. We exited his restaurant and got into the car, and I was too confused to react because we were in and out of that place in literally 5 seconds.

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