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We heard Yoongi yell from downstairs. 

Both Jimin and I froze as if this would be the end of our lives. As if the Grim Reaper was downstairs and asking us to go meet him. 

So much for "Yoongi doesn't scare me," huh Jimin.

Enough with my complaints!

"IN MY CLOSET!" I whisper-shouted loud enough for Jimin to hear. As if his life depended on it (which it possibly might), he ran inside the small room and closed the door behind him. 

I heard Yoongi drop something, probably either his shoes or backpack.

"YOONHEE!? ARE YOU HOME?" I heard him shout again. I went inside my bathroom, pretending like I was using it.

"I'M IN THE BATHROOM OPPA," I yelled back in reply. 

"COME DOWN WHEN YOU'RE OUT!" he returned, and his voice seemed like it was coming from the edge of the stairs.

"ARRASSEO," I answered, flushing the toilet as if I used it. I quickly washed my hands then dried it, and made sure that my room didn't look suspicious before I left. Luckily, Jimin didn't bring anything but the food.


It's downstairs!

Time to come up with another lousy excuse, perfect. Just...perfect.

I sprinted down the stairs, panting just slightly because my heart was racing at such a fast rate from the nervousness. 

"Hey oppa~" I sang like nothing happened as I poked his chest with my index finger. Unamused, he crossed his arms.

"Were you home the whole time?" he asked. Clicking my tongue and sighing, I nodded. "Then what's with this pizza?"

"I got so hungry, so I just ordered a pizza," I replied with confidence. He looked back at the trash bin.

"You ate the whole thing?" he said in a very disapproved tone. 

"I ordered just a few slices, it just came in the box," I answered calmly. "My friend works there."

"Ah," he agreed. "That's alright."

I mentally sighed in relief. One obstacle down...and another to go.

How will I get Jimin out of the closet!?

He made his way to the couch, jumping on as he let out a short breath.

"Are you going to stay the night?" I asked as I followed him and sat at the corner of the soft couch.

"Am I not allowed to?" he said with sarcasm.

"No no, it's not that," I slightly chuckled. "Just wondering."

"Well lucky you, since I have to go back since I have a meeting," Yoongi acknowledged. 

"A meeting? With who?" I asked curiously. 

"Can't say," he simply answered as he took an apple from the fruit bowl that was on the coffee table. "Do you have anything to do?"

"Well...I have a lot of homework to finish," I drawled as I went to the kitchen to grab him a peeler for his apple. 

"Poor you, I already finished my homework," he taunted as he took the apple peeler and started to peel the apple in some random plate he found. 

"Yeah yeah, I'm so lucky," I said in irony as we laughed. 


About half an hour later, Yoongi decided to leave. I sent him off, and then I zoomed upstairs as fast as I could, when I saw Jimin sitting in the closet watching some sort of movie. 

"He left," I sighed. Jimin immediately got up, stretching his legs because he was sitting for about forty minutes in an uncomfortable crouched position. "I'm so sorry you had to hide."

He smiled.

"It's alright, I was the one who wanted to come anyway," he comforted. 

It was already around seven. We were assured that Yoongi was gone, and mom wouldn't be home for another few hours. 

"What should we do now?" I asked Jimin as he completed his stretches.

"Hmm..." he thought for a moment. Suddenly, a thought popped into his head as his face lit up. "I have a crazy idea."


I have a sheet mask on my face and it feels nice XD

Anyway, since this was a short update, I'll upload the second part much sooner. 


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