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After spending about three weeks in China, Jungkook and I have grown very, very close.

My mother is always updating us with the news on Yoongi, and the police still haven't found him.

As for getting around China, you'd be surprised to hear that Jungkook's Mandarin is actually pretty strong, almost fluent. He still hasn't told me how he's so good at it.


"I feel like a hobo," Jungkook announced as he was jumping on his bed.

"You're gonna break the springs idiot!" I laughed as I threw a pillow at him. He immediately stopped, looked at me, and grew a smirk.

He jumped onto my bed and started hitting me with his pillow. Defending myself, I tried hitting him back and blocking, but Jungkook was too strong.

I eventually gave up and curled into a ball, giggling. He laughed too, and trapped me in his arms.

"Got you," he smiled, giving me a peck on the cheek and now began tickling me.


The nearby cafe owned by the elderly couple now became Jungkook's and my daily hang out spot. The couple always gave us warm tea and a homemade dinner, for half the price.

Jungkook always talked with them, and I guess he told them about our poor condition, too. Sometimes they treat us as if we're relatives to them, because the two often coo us and pinch our cheeks.


Tired from a day's worth of walking around, Jungkook and I made our way back to the hotel room and collapsed onto our respective beds, and shut our eyes.

"I hate being a hobo," Jungkook said once again and I clicked my tongue.

"We're not hobos," I replied, looking up at the ceiling. "It's just like we're on a low-budget vacation."

"I guess..." he replied a bit shakily. "But it's fun with you. We get to be together all the time."

I smiled.

"I like it too," I spoke.

He didn't reply.

"Yoonhee..." he said my name in a soft tone.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I don't want to go back to Korea," he stated, making me gawk in surprise.

"What!?" I exclaimed, shocked. "Howcome? I thought you missed Korea-"

"I like being with you everyday. If we go back to Korea, we can't live together. We'd have to graduate high school, then go to college. We'll be too busy for each other...and I can't live without you," he paused, deeply inhaling, then continued. "I want to be with you forever."

My eyes widened, being too shocked to answer. I sat up, looking at Jungkook who was also sitting while resting his back on the headboard. We made eye contact, and he began moving towards me, then sat next to me. Taking my hands in his, he began caressing my fingers.

"I want you to be mine...forever."


Three Years Later

It's been almost exactly a year that Jungkook and I have been married. We were engaged for two years before it, but we finally surpassed the age limit.

Yoongi had been transferred to a prison outside of Korea, so Jungkook and I have been able to roam around the streets without being in the fear of Yoongi.

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