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Yoonhee's Point of View:

I know I made a scene back at the restaurant. But, based on what I had seen with my own eyes, ending up uncontrollably crying and screaming seemed expected.


As Jimin set down the phone flat on the wooden table, my eyes were drowned in tears. The two noticed only after the video had ended, and immediately softened and grew worried. The two hugged me, but Jungkook ended up flicking Jimin off, so I was then only comforted by Jungkook.

As the scenes replayed in my head while still sobbing in Jungkook's chest, I became even more sad and my cries only grew louder. Several people were already looking at us, wondering what could have happened. So, Jimin began patting my shoulder as Jungkook rubbed my back in a circular motion while muttering soft and sweet words into my ear.

At a different time, I would have been flattered.

But after physically watching my brother murder an innocent being, well, my reacting was a lot different.

My sobs soon turned into cries. The cries turned into screams. The screams turned into uncontrollable panic attacks, and Jungkook and Jimin immediately took me out of the restaurant and dropped me in Jungkook's car.

"Yoonhee...it's...okay," Jimin comforted, but I could obviously tell that he knew very well that the situation wasn't okay.

I didn't respond and burried my face into my hands while hugging my knees on the passenger's seat.


After a good, long while, my eyes were dehydrated enough to stop any more tears from flowing.

The two boys sighed in relief, content that I finally came back to my senses after what had to be the longest period of time that I've cried.

"S-so, this is why you wanted me to be involved in finding the footage, r-right," I spoke in a shaky tone as I was still wiping away the left over tears with a napkin that Jungkook handed me. The two boys looked at each other reluctantly, then at me, and nodded. Of course they knew. In fact, they did the smartest thing they could have done in their power. So...I respect that. "Well, what do we do now?"

"I think that's up to you, Yoonhee," Jimin said as he ran his fingers through his hair in a stressed manner. "I mean...what do you think would be the best in this situation?"

I thought for a moment.

Yet, the more I thought, the more I got tangled in my own mind.

Yoongi. My older brother that's been with me since my birth. The one who cared for me when I was young. The one who watched over me when I was at the playground instead of playing for himself. The one who helped me with my homework when I was stuck on a math problem. The one I went to when I was having any issues.

The one I loved the most...

Is a murderer.


[End of Flashback]
Present Time:

I was sitting, staring out the window and into the beautiful view of the Seoul nightlife as the cold air from the outside blew into my hair. At least for a few minutes, I could calm my nerves.

But once again, the scene of the murder captivated my mind, replying and replaying as if it was on loop. 

Even if I'm being biased, I can't let Yoongi go to jail. I have to protect him at all costs. 


Yoongi's Point of View:

Looking back to the day I killed Byun Baekhyun, it all seems foggy. It's as if my mind was clouded up, and the next thing I know...I see a bloody teenage boy laying dead before my eyes, with a metal rod in my hand that was dented and scraped with blood stained at the tip.

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