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Yoonhee's Point of View:

"The drugs you guys were injected with...they're pretty addictive. You three will be craving for it in a few hours, and it'll totally set back our plan. I think we need the special reverse formula," Taehyung spoke, not making eye contact with any of us. 

"So where's the formula then!?" Jungkook yelled, angry at Taehyung's failure at planning. 

"That's the thing..." admitted Taehyung. "I don't know where it is."

Jungkook and Jimin fumed like a tea kettle. 


I stopped any of them from fighting.

"STOP!" I screamed, ending the fight-to-happen. "We're in a critical condition now and you guys are about to beat each other up?! How logical, yeah!"

Jungkook and Jimin let go of Taehyung's collar, letting the boy take a deep breath to calm himself. 

"Okay, Tae. What do you suggest we do now?" I asked, in an orderly tone. 

"I think the only way is to get Yoongi to give it to us," he replied.

"And how do we do that," sassed Jimin. "We're gonna get ourselves killed."

"I know right," Jungkook almost laughed. "This guy is-"

"Let him talk!" I yelled again, earning a very small mutter of apology from Jungkook.

"We'd have to arm ourselves, and wait for Yoongi to come back. Then, we'll threaten him with the guns, and force him to give us the formula. Then we'll escape from there," Taehyung answered. 

"But he'll get us after that!" Jimin announced. 

"There's a thing called the police," Jungkook flicked Jimin's forehead. I guess for this once, Jungkook and Taehyung were on the same page. 


We had already been waiting for twenty minutes or so, locked in our positions with a gun in our hands. Yoongi should be back any minute.

And even though Yoongi might be a psychopath, I still don't want him to be hurt. I want him to give us the solution, so that none of us will have to shoot. Because...after all...he's my family. My brother. My only brother.

Interrupting my thoughts, we all heard a thud from outside. This had to be the shed door. 

Yoongi's here.

With Jungkook next to me, the two of us standing near the left of the door, with Jimin and Taehyung near the right of the door, we were all ready. 

And that's when he opened the door, and the four of us revealed ourselves, pointing our guns at Yoongi. 

My brother immediately dropped his keys and put his hands up, almost too naturally than it should have been.

"Where's the reverse formula," Taehyung demanded harshly. Yoongi merely laughed.

"You think I'm gonna tell you?" He replied, somehow amused at our request.

"We're just one call away from sentencing you to life in prison," Jungkook smirked.

"You're gonna do that anyway," Yoongi answered. "The formula can remain as my own little secret."

"Fine," Taehyung spoke. "Yoonhee? Call the cops. We'll have them find the formula, and give you three proper medical treatment."

I froze, hesitant about taking the phone out of my pocket.

"Well? Speed up!" The three yelled at me. I saw Yoongi smiling from the corner of my eye.

"Yoonhee," Yoongi spoke to me. "Don't rat out your brother."

"Bullshit!" Jimin screamed at Taehyung. "I have a phone myself! I'm calling!"

Before I could answer, Jimin dialed the three digit emergency department.


OMG I'm really excited about writing my next book. It's going to be a Jimin ff, and I'll start it once I finish of this book. Please anticipate it and support!

 Please anticipate it and support!

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Love you guys~~


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