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Yoonhee's Point of View:

It's been a whole day since Jungkook or Yoongi have last contacted me. By now, I had really grown worried.

What if something happened between the two of them?

No...that wouldn't happen. Yoongi isn't a monster to pick a fight with my boyfriend.

I shook off the thought, and continued brushing my teeth.


Currently, it was after noon, and I was stuck studying for an upcoming chemistry test I had.

With flashcards, notes, textbooks, and highlighters covering my desk, I was scrimmaging through to find my pencil, when suddenly my mother opened the door.

"Ah, my poor baby is studying so hard," my mother said in a sad tone as she set down a plate of fruits on top of a textbook.

"Gomawo eomma," I thanked. I took an apple slice and bit it.

"Here...I'll leave you alone since I don't want to disrupt your precious train of thought. I just wanted to make sure that you ate something," she said as she made her way to the door. "Good luck sweetie!"

"Thanks!" I replied before she shut the door behind her. But then...I suddenly had a thought. "Wait! Eomma!"

"Yes?" she popped her head back in my room. I motioned her to come in, in which she sat on my second office chair.

"Where's Yoongi?" I asked, making her smack her lips and sigh.

"I don't know sweetie...he's probably at his lab again," is all she could answer. She must have been clueless and worried, too.

"Eomma..." I froze before continuing again. "Can I use your phone for a second?"

"Sure-" she took out her phone, but I rudely interrupted her by snatching it out of her hands. "What do you need?!"

I didn't answer, as I was too busy searching for something.

Now...where was that tracker app she had?





I have a crazy theory


Crazy theory about what


About what could have happened with Jungkook and Yoongi


You're still on that thought? Yoonhee I told you to chill


I can't though


Just hear me out ok?



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