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The next day was finally a weekend. Yoongi seems to have already left, and mom was still sleeping.


I scurried down the stairs after quickly washing up, and still in my pajamas. I made myself a super quick bowl of cereal, and turned on the TV.

I finally have time to watch my drama...in peace. It seems like whenever I watch any of my shows, I kept disturbed by someone. 

Just a few days ago I tried watching an episode and then my grandma called. She talked for a straight half an hour, and by the time we hung up mom had already came home from work and asked me to help her unload the dishwasher. 

And we all know how awkward it is to watch dramas with your mom. Even though my mom loves watching dramas herself, I just can't help but accept the fact that no matter what...watching any sort of romance movie is awkward with her! Partially because she always squeals "omo!"  when something touchy happens. 

Sigh...I really need a new drama buddy. 

Taehyung and I used to watch dramas together, but now obviously that's not possible anymore. 

Sooyoung hates watching dramas. If anything, she likes to watch American dramas. She always complains how cringey everything is, so after a while I just gave up.


My drama started. I hope nothing disturbs me from finishing this one episode. 


"Do Bong Soon, you make my heart race,"

"AHN MINHYUK!!!!!!" I squealed. I couldn't help but control myself...he's just too handsome!

"YOONHEE!? WHAT'S WRONG!?" I heard my mom yell from upstairs.

I woke her up. 

"Nothing eomma!" I replied cheerfully, but I was internally dying because I knew I screwed up my perfect opportunity to watch my show. 

"Alright then, I'll be down in a few minutes and we can hang out!" said my mom in a happy tone. 

I like my mom and all...but as of now I wanted to just watch my drama alone. Well, my streak of being interrupted stands. 


My mom came down the stairs while I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through my phone with my long legs resting on the coffee table. Considering Yoongi isn't very tall, it's pretty funny how I'm so tall. 

"Ah Yoonhee! Let's have a mother-daughter day, hmm?" my mom suggested as she made her way to the living room. 

"Yeah sure," I replied, setting aside my phone. "Where to?"

She thought for a moment, and finally snapped an idea. 

"Let's go visit your halmeoni!" she suggested. I miss my grandma!

"Of course!" I replied. She lives about three hours away in Gwangju. "But before we go there, let's make sure to bring her favorite muffins."

"Oh yes, we have to buy that before going to her house," she agreed. "Well, let's both change into normal clothes, and then we can leave."

We both left into our own rooms to change. I wore the navy blue t-shirt that Jimin bought for me yesterday, along with a white "school" skirt and white converse high tops. I tied my hair into a half-up-half-down ponytail to tie everything together. 

When I visit my grandmother, I like to dress nicely since we don't see her that often. I like to make a good impression on her. 


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