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"The question is...where's the entrance?" Jimin, the oh-so-wise asked, clearly missing the fact that there was a door right at the back of the building. I clicked my tongue and guided him to the door, in which he gave a short ah and followed.

The door was locked with a thick rusted chain. How would we get in...now?

"Jimin, this won't do," I spoke as I tried breaking the lock. He nodded, drawing his lips into a thin line as he thought for a moment.

"Let's see if we can see inside from those planked windows," Jimin suggested, pointing to a nearby window that was blocked with two wooden planks in an X shape.

Sneaking to the window, we peaked through, and to our luck, we were able to see inside...

But we saw nothing but a dark room. I sighed.

"Great," I said with sarcasm. "You know honestly...it was pretty stupid of us to come in without a plan. You know it's not too late to back out-"

"No! We're not backing out," he spoke sternly. "We just have to think more clearly."

"More clearly than this?" I retorted.

"Yeah. We need to think about what we would do if we were in Yoongi's place," he answered, and to my surprise, it was very smart of him to say that.

"Well...we can start with thinking about how Yoongi gets in. He can't get through the back door because it's locked with a rusty and untouchable metal chain. He also wouldn't be climbing through windows, because not even I could fit through this tight space. So, there must be a different entrance," I wanted to continue before Jimin interrupted.

"Way ahead of you smartie." Of course Jimin has to joke around in a serious situation. But, he was standing by a tall tree, in which had a shed behind it. "What if the entrance is in here?"

"There? Like a tunnel?" I scratched my head, confused. Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

"I've watched enough movies to know that killers and criminals are always a step ahead, especially when it comes to keeping their workspace safe and protected from the others...in case the cops find them," he stated proudly.

The both of us began rumadging through the shrubs and bushes, then reached the shed.

"This one's locked too," I said, looking at the wooden door.

"Oh yeah, I didn't know that," he answered mockingly and with sarcasm. "But actually, the door is pretty light. I'm sure I could break it."

"Break it!?" I exclaimed, when Jimin immediately put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.

"SHH! You'll attract attention!" He said in a whisper to remind me to stay quiet. I nodded, and he started banging on the door harshly with his right shoulder.

The door began rattling, but it wasn't opening.

"What if you kick it down?" I suggested.

"I'm not a martial artist!" He defended.

"Well..." I paused, and thought for a moment. "What if we try picking at the lock?"

"Really? Yoonhee...things like that only work with basic locks, like the ones on your bedroom door, or-"

"It worked!" I cheered proudly, still in a whisper. Jimin looked at the open door, then at me, with his mouth gawked open.


"I had a pin in my hair from a braid I was trying to do earlier on," I answered. "But no time for questions. Let's go inside and see if there's really some type of passage."

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