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I was searching for jobs for the past 20 minutes, but nothing seemed to be right for me.

Maid...well...I've seen to many dramas and ff's and none of the maid jobs ever end well.

Toilet cleaner...ew no!

Secretary...not for me. 

Shoe department worker...yuck I hate feet.

I sighed, concluding that I'll never find a job, but also realizing that I was really thirsty. I rolled my chair out of my desk and made my way towards my nightstand, where I had a bottle of water.

I chugged the water down my parched throat, when I suddenly had an idea popped into my head. I felt like a cartoon character where a giant lightbulb pops above their head.

I could be a waitress!


I was scrolling down the job website, clicking on whatever link seemed interesting and keeping it in my tab. I was very well focused, and of course something had to break my wonderful focus. 

My phone. 


Hey jagi, where were you today? You weren't at school! I was announcing that you were my girlfriend but I couldn't find you!


Ah, sorry Jungkook. I wasn't feeling well at all


Is it that time of month?


What!? No! Pabo!


Just asking sweetie :)


And besides, I would never skip school for such a lame reason


Awwwhhhhh look at my jagi being all tough <3 one of the many reasons why I'm in love with Min Yoonhee <3

Honestly, my heart was fluttering like crazy and I was probably redder than a strawberry, but I decided to keep my cool.


Such a cringeeeeee


I know you liked it HeeHee


Heehee!? What the hell?


Lol I just thought of it and I was 'heeheeing' to myself just thinking about it


You're so stupid, honestly


Yeah, well, you love me anyways. That's all that matters ;)


Yeah whatever JungCook 


Aish, you got me there

Look At Me // JJKWhere stories live. Discover now