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Author's POV

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Yoonhee exclaimed as she saw him walking towards his car but turned around when he heard her. Luckily there was no one around so Yoonhee was able to talk to him in peace.

She caught up to him, and out of no where, she hugged him. 

Clueless as to why she suddenly threw her arms around him, she then noticed that it was one of the best ways to thank him.

Startled, Jungkook stood still for a moment. His crush had just went and hugged him out of no where!

"Thank you for saving my brother," she said as she broke the hug. He looked at her and finally realized why she had hugged him. 

"Oh that? Ah, it was nothing," he said, trying to act cool. Yoonhee had the biggest smile on her face knowing that her friend was the first person to stand up for him. 

"No, no, it's not nothing. I owe you on behalf of oppa," she said, very cheerfully. She wanted to express her gratitude somehow. Jungkook grew a smirk on the crook of his lips. 

"Did you forget about the bet? How I won? It's okay, you still have the three things to do for me..." he said and Yoonhee's smile crashed as his smile widened. Yoonhee had totally forgotten about the bet. 

"Ah...that...right..." she stuttered, scratching the back of her neck in awkwardness. Jungkook chuckled. 

"Cute," he said as he ruffled her hair. She was surprised by his action but let it slide. "Hey, I have to go now. But if I need a tutor...or if I thought of a wish you can grant...I'll make sure to let you know."

He winked at her as he sat inside the car, leaving Yoonhee dumbfounded. 

Jungkook's POV

A lot happened today. But it was probably one of the best days of the year, at least for me. 

I'm thinking that Yoongi will be able to forgive me, so that when I start to date Yoonhee he'll be fine with it...hopefully.

And Yoonhee was proud of me. Score. 

I drove home and I went straight to the bathroom. Nature's calling. 

When I got out, my mom was sitting on the dining room chair, filling out bills and taxes, psh, adult stuff pretty much. 

"Ah, Jungkook! Hi! Can you do me a favor?" she asked. "I'm really busy now and your father is working. Can you run to the store and get some groceries? Here I made you a list."

She handed me a list of foods in her neat handwriting. 

"Sure, I'll go now," I said as I left the house. 

I drove to the convenience store since it was just a few blocks down. I went inside and checked the list again. 



Instant Ramen



I skipped the rest of the list because I was laughing. I should buy some extra jams and give it to Jimin. 

I grabbed a basket and started running around. I got the milk and I picked out a few apples. Then I got a loaf of bread and I put in four types of jams. I'll give two to poor Jimin. 

Then I went and got the other crap.

And I left the instant ramen for last and got like ten packs since it's one of my favorite foods. I eat it a lot, maybe too much. 

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