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I can't believe people with such monstrocious behaviors actually exists in the world. I examined the boy well and he was covered in blood and bruises. I couldn't let this continue. It's happened to my brother before and it completely broke him. 

As the boys and the crowd were laughing and cheering, I barged in. 

"STOP HURTING HIM!" I exclaimed on the top of my lungs. Everyone went silent and turned to me. So did Jungkook. 

He began walking towards me while he finished beating the boy with a kick in the stomach to keep him down.

"Sweetie, do you know exactly WHY he's being punished?" he said with somewhat of a smirk. I didn't answer and kept my eyes on the boy. "He took our money and never payed us back...be happy that we haven't shot him."

Well...that was embarrassing. But I mean, it's still wrong to do this to someone, even if they owe you money. At least sue him, not kill him!

Jungkook walked back to the boy and continued tormenting him. As I began walking away since no more eyes were on me, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around, and saw it was another one of the "gang members."

"Aren't you Kim Taehyung's girlfriend?" he asked. He was tall and lean but with very broad shoulders. I simply nodded, replying to his question. How does he know Taehyung? Tae isn't very popular...at all. "Tell him that we need to talk after school. No questions needed."

He walked off and back to the gang. What the...? 

These people are really strange. I never signed up to go to a school of war.

The bell rang starting first period. Everyone ran to their classes up and down the halls leaving me to be almost run over by them. 

As a bit of a path cleared up, I speed walked to my science class, making it only a few seconds before the bell rang. I walked to my seat, in the back next to the left side window.

The teacher soon began the class, and I was prepared. I remembered Mr. Song's advice yesterday and chose to start working harder. Acceptance into a college is very important for my future. 

I began taking rapid notes on all of the teacher's lesson when I felt something hit my face. I looked down at my desk as it fell and it was a crumpled up paper ball. Not knowing who threw it, I opened it up and read it.

Big mouth, meet me after school on the rooftop.

What!? Ugh this HAS to be Jeon Jungkook. Does he know I have a name? Min YoonHee. Duh.

I shot a look at him in which he immediately returned it with a glare. I shrugged and focused back on the lesson. 


When the class finished, it was lunch time. I would usually sit with my best friend, Park Sooyoung, but sometimes she likes to sit with her cousin Jihyo which I'm fine with. When that happens I just go and sit with Taehyung.

I saw him sitting outside on a bench, eating with his friends. I like his friends, they're super chill. I decided to go join them since Sooyoung was busy.

"Hi!" I greeted. They all turned towards me and smiled.

"Yoonheeeeee-ah!!!"cheered Taehyung. As always he's very enthusiastic and energized. He came over to me and escorted me to their spot. I sat down and the 5 looked at me.

"I saw you this morning when you tried to help the boy, wah that takes guts," said Youngjae. I nodded in agreement.

"Honestly I regretted it because now it's just an embarrassing memory," I replied. 

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