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So, here goes day one of the bet that Jungkook and I made. I'm just hoping that I'm right about Taehyung, if he was to be cheating on me then I don't know what I would do with myself. 2 years of being together would be down in the waste.

I took a quick, cold shower first thing in the morning as always. Cold showers are good for you because it obviously wakes you up and makes you more alert, but also does things like close up pores and even boost metabolism. Plus, it's a way to keep my showers under 10 minutes. 

I dried my hair with a fan as I looked at myself in the mirror. Before I knew it, my hair was completely dry so I went and wore my school uniform and applied my makeup. I quickly rushed down the stairs as I was also putting on my shoes at the same time. I tend to multitask unnecessarily. 

My mom wasn't up yet and it seems like Yoongi wasn't home like most days. I made myself toast with jam and I sat down next to the window to eat in peace. 

Right when I said "peace," my phone buzzed. What a great way to start a Thursday morning. 

I took another bite of the toast as I walked over to my phone which was placed on the kitchen counter. 


Hey, idiot. Make time after school and don't forget to tell your mom that you'll be out.

Ah, it's Jungkook. 


Fine...but wait...how did you get my number!? Have you been stalking me too?

I took another bite of my toast. He's seriously creepy sometimes...wait...all the time. 


I have my resources. 


Ugh whatever. See you at school.


Save my number under 'Kookie'


LOLOL KOOKIE XD and why should I?


It's what my friends call me


Oh so we're friends?


If we weren't friends we wouldn't have had each other's numbers


Idiot you texted me out of nowhere


Anyway, I have to go. See you in...36 minutes ;)


Creep! Bye

I put my phone down. I should really stay away from him, he seems too creepy. Oh well.

Honestly, I would've thought that someone like him would've been more busy. He has time to go and stalk the boyfriend of his classmate/tutor for a full week. Maybe this is why he never does his homework...

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