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"Yah, byuntae! You promised not to do anything stupid!" I exclaimed. He started with a chuckle which quickly moved onto a full on laugh. 

"I'm just kidding, idiot. Come on we have to study," he said making his way towards his room. I followed him and he was sitting on the chair already. "Need a chair?"

"That would be nice," I replied with a bit of sarcasm. He nodded while leaving the room and came back with a rolling office chair. He shoved my shoulders down forcing me to sit on the chair. He pushed it into the leg room of the desk and sat down on his chair. "Why the nice act?"

"Why not? I'm not such a jerk you know," he replied a bit annoyed.

"Yeah you are," I said with confidence. I heard him mutter aish this girl, under his breath. Haha typical. "OK, here, let's start by using my flashcards and seeing what you know and what you don't."


We were studying for about 40 minutes already. Jungkook was taking notes as I was explaining the topic when suddenly my phone rang breaking both of our focus. I looked at the caller ID...



I quickly picked up the call, bracing myself to hear her scolds and rants. Like I said, my mom is the strict type. 

"Hello?" I answered a bit softly. I saw Jungkook also listening to the conversation attentively.

"Yoonhee! Where are you!?" she yelled angrily but with the motherly panic too. 

"I'm at a friend's house helping with studying," I replied calmly. 

"Well if it's just studying why couldn't you have at least texted me!?" she said again harshly. 

"I'm sorry eomma, it was my mistake and I'm not in the right head either, I've had a killer headache all day," I replied, trying to make her instead pity me and forget about the anger. It's worked a few times before. 

"Aw ok, that's ok I'll let it go this time. When will you be home? Yoongi wanted to see you," she said. Thank god it worked. 

"Ok thanks for understanding. Ah it's hard to say when I'll be home because it depends on how quick my friend can learn. It's for the big science test that's coming up," I answered. I saw Jungkook in deep thought after my mom talked. What's his problem?

"Sure, that's fine. Be home as soon as possible, alright? I'll tell Yoongi. Have fun and good luck, bye!" she said now merrily. I said bye too and we ended the call. I set my phone down back on the desk and Jungkook was still shook. 

"Jungkook? Hello? Earth to Ju-" 

"Who's Yoongi?" he interrupted, falling out of his daze. He was thinking about Yoongi? What?

"My older brother...?" I replied with a questioning look. Why is he curious about Yoongi? 

Jungkook's POV

It's him. Min Yoongi, the older brother of the girl that's next to me. As long as Yoonhee doesn't find out about our past, I'll be fine.

Yoonhee's POV

Again he looks shook. I sighed and started to wave in front of his face so that maybe he can come back to reality. Immediately he snapped back into reality and shook his head. 

"Sorry, continue what you were saying," he said as he quickly picked back up the pen and got back to writing his notes. I went with it and continued teaching him. 


An hour later we were both exhausted. Coming from school to do more school work isn't very fun. 

"Agh I'm tired, let's take a break," he said as he pushed his rolling chair from the desk into the middle of his room. I nodded with a very obvious tired expression. "Let's go eat. I think my mom made soup before she left."

We made our way to the kitchen and Jungkook was right...there was soup. He turned on the lighters of the stove carefully to warm up the pot. My phone began buzzing again so I took it out of my pocket and saw it was from Taehyung.

Tae Tae:

How's the tutoring going? He hasn't hurt you or done anything, right?


It's all good, strangely he's a lot different out of school 

Tae Tae:

Like a tiger in a cage and in the wild


Haha ikr...hey I have to go...I'll text you when I get home, kk?

Tae Tae:

Ok jagiya, be careful and good luck! I love you!

I smiled as I put my phone down and back in my pocket. Tae never fails to put a smile on my face. 

Jungkook turned around since the soup was ready.

"Why are you smiling? Soup's ready too," he questioned. I continued smiling and shook my head as I went to get my bowl. "You're really weird you know, smiling without a motive."

He grabbed his bowl too, still looking at me and questioning my smile. Eventually it faded as we both sat down at the dining table face to face, waiting for the soup to cool down. 

"So how come you're so good at science? I mean you're a nerd and top of the school which is a given, but why is science your best subject?" he asked. I looked up at him.

"Why do you care?" I raised my eyebrows and he shrugged.

"Just curious," he answered. He began blowing on his soup to make it cool down quicker as he waited for my answer.

"My brother taught me a lot. He's really into chemistry and stuff...probably what he does in his free time and when he leaves home," I replied. He froze in place and again there goes Jeon Jungshook. 

"A-ah, th-at's nice," he spoke with a stutter. OK...something's up with him.

"Hey, why do you freeze up whenever I mention Yoongi? Do you know him?" I questioned. He looked from the ramen up to me and shook his head. Obviously he was lying. "I know when someone's lying or not. Tell me how you know him, please."

I said please. He better answer now after I said the p word.

"I don't know him ok! Stop asking me if I know him or not," he yelled. I wasn't expecting him to yell, he's really bipolar, isn't he.

"Fine, fine! Don't yell, weirdo," I spoke as I began to eat the soup. He ate his too causing only the noise of the spoons clicking on the bowls and slurping of the liquid to be heard. It's so awkward right now. 

Finally Jungkook broke the silence.

"So....you're with Kim Taehyung?" he asked. I simply nodded. "He's alright...but you know I've seen him out with another girl a few weeks ago right? It definitely wasn't you...it was some girl with bleached blonde hair."

I nearly choked on the noodles as I processed what Jungkook said. What!? I've never had bleached hair!

"You're lying, you idiot," I swear, Taehyung isn't the type to cheat. The idiot is probably just pulling off a prank. 

"I'm not kidding. We can go stalk him around sometime so that I can prove to you that he's cheating," he confidently remarked.

"And why should I believe you?" I questioned. Seriously, this guy really likes deals and bets.

"Because secretly inside, you DO believe me," he stated. God, he does have a point. I mean it's my boyfriend that we're talking about. "Here...let's stalk him for 1 week. If we find out that he really HAS been with the girl, you grant me three wishes. If he HASN'T been with the girl, I grant you three wishes. See how much confidence I have in this?"

I mean, I guess I could...?

He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I hesitantly took the hand and shook it.

"Sure, I'll do it," I spoke softly.

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