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The car ride was pretty short, which makes me wonder where we're going. 

Jungkook parked the car and we got out, but I wasn't sure where we were. I'm not used to this part of town. 

"Where are we?" I asked, very confused about the area. He smiled and hooked his arms with me. What!!??

I looked down at our arms but he didn't seem to care and kept walking. 

"We're gonna have another competition, idiot," he said. I guess the name still stuck to me. If anything he's the idiot. And what competition!? Again? 

I'm really not in the mood. 

"I don't want to have another competition-" I whined but he dragged me into some building...and it was an arcade. "An arcade!?"

He nodded like a child. He unhooked our arms and went and bought us tokens. 

"We're gonna play three games. Whoever wins two out of three will get to choose what we do next. If you win, you could even pick to let us go home. But if I win, I'll get to choose more date spots to go to," he said with an evil smirk plastered on his face. I sighed so deeply. 

"Fine...you child," I groaned as he let out a chuckle. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the basketball game. No, that's not fair! "Jungkook! Not fair!"

He laughed.

"I get to pick a game, then you do. Now play," he said as he inserted tokens for both of us. I sighed. I'm tall...but not good at basketball. I bet this jerk practices so that he can beat me at it. 

The machine started and let out the basketballs for us to shoot. I threw a few, and missed. While Jungkook was making them all into the hoop. I sighed and gave up since I had no hope. 

Jungkook was very focused on his game and hadn't noticed that I stopped. I was just watching him. He might've actually made a record. 

The game finished and Jungkook kicked the game. 

"Agh, I was so close to getting a perfect sc-" he looked at mine and saw a 00. Then he looked at me. "You didn't play?"

"I tried but then I failed," I said with sober in my tone. He chuckled and pinched my cheek. 

"You're such a stinker..." he said as he put more tokens into my game. "Try again. I'll help."

He leaned against the side of the game as he watched me attempt to throw in hoops. I only made one out of like 10 throws. I heard him click his tongue as he walked over to me. 

He stood behind me and started throwing more basketballs and made in all the three he threw.

Then he held the ball in front of me.

"Hold it. I'll teach you," he said. I did as he said and held the ball, a bit lower since his hands were in the middle. "You take it, angle it a bit down but with your hands towards the roof, aim...then throw."

He threw the ball with me and it made it into the hoop. Wow, daebak. 

"Cool!" I said as I attempted to throw it on my own...but it didn't go in again. 

Jungkook burst out laughing and the game finally finished. Since I still had a ball in my hand I threw it at his head and he stopped laughing. 

"Hey! Idiot!" he started chasing me and I ran to the racing games and sat down. He caught up to me. "We're playing this trash?"

I nodded with a smile. I guess he doesn't like this game...perfect. 

Also judging by his driving, he'll be bad at this game too. 

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