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"Yoonhee...Yoonhee...Yoonhee," I heard a faded voice repeating as if it was constantly on replay. I opened my eyes from my strange slumber, but then realized I wasn't in my bed. 

My arms and legs were tied to a chair, and I seemed to be in some sort of run-down warehouse...

But then it all hit me. 

I was in Yoongi's lab. 

"Yoonhee," I heard the faded voice say again. Not seeing anything in front of me, I turned my head all directions, and saw that Jimin was tied with the same two ropes, as we were sitting back-to-back. 

"J-Jimin," I spoke, but somehow my body and voice were much weaker. And that's when I realized that I had a tube inserted into my left wrist, right at the vein.

"Are you o-kay?" he muttered in the same weak voice that I had, which made me realize that he had the tube in his right wrist, attached to a giant machine that was about seven feet away. 

"Yes," I managed to breathe out. Yet I couldn't help staying awake, because I just felt so exhausted. My eyes were slowly beginning to close, and likely Jimin's too, before we heard a loud bang from somewhere in the room, causing us both to jump. We then heard quick footsteps, getting louder and louder as they got closer to us...and finally the face was revealed in the dim light shining above us. 

"Very smart, dongsaeng," Yoongi approached me with a disgusted face, pinching my cheeks harshly then shoving the skin around causing me massive pain. "You love your oh-so-dear boyfriend that much, huh? I'm impressed."

He began slow-clapping like the villains do in the movies. Heck, he is the villain.

"And you," he turned his attention now towards Jimin and faced the poor, weak boy. "I can't believe you're this stupid to come and try to save your friend. You know how much trouble you got yourself into? I believe Taehyung warned you, yet you're just so stubborn and confident in your pathetic self that you thought you could compete with me!?"

He slapped Jimin hard across the face, yet Jimin was too weak to do anything but listen. 

"Your precious friend and boyfriend is with me now. And as far as I know, I think he'll want it to stay like that," Yoongi spoke, trying to provoke us. "Want to fight? I'll gladly fight with you two."

My body ached for sleep, as I was arguing with it to keep myself awake. 

"Taehyung!" Yoongi called, and the next moment my ex-boyfriend the jerk popped in. "Let's separate these two. I think there's some important matters to discuss."

The two men untied Jimin and I from each other, as the two dragged Jimin in his chair and out the room. They came back inside, dusting their jackets from the work, and brought two chairs, sitting right in front of me. 

"You know how much you screwed up, right, Yoonhee?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows as he spoke to me. "I mean, we all make mistakes. But those mistakes lead to punishments and regret."

He patted Taehyung on the back. 

"I think that you, your friend Jimin, and Jungkook will be staying here for quite sometime. And, I don't want you to be bored out of your head, because after all, you are my sister. So, I think that I've provided a privilege for you," Yoongi said, turning towards Taehyung. "That is...handing you to Taehyung."


I was angered enough to respond.

"Y-You can't s-sell me off," I barely managed to say. If I only I was in the right state of mind...then I would've really given Yoongi a piece of my mind. 

"Oh, dear dongsaeng. I just did," Yoongi smiled as he took my hand and Taehyungs, intwining them together. "You two can talk. I'm going to go speak with Jimin, since Jungkook isn't very responsive now."

What does he mean responsive!?


Jimin's Point of View:

Yoongi came in through the door after transferring me to this small room not too long ago. I had managed to regain most of my strength after being unplugged from that machine. He closed the door behind me, with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"Enjoy being tied up?" Yoongi slid his index finger along my chin. "It's such a shame that I had to ruin three young teenager's lives. Heck, one of them is my own sister. But...it's not my fault. It's my job to discipline you, my sister, and your friend, for all of the wrong-doings you've committed."

He slapped me across the face again, followed by a kick to my shins, making the chair I was in fall over. The impact hurt my spine horribly, and made me groan in pain. I didn't want to let my guard down. I had to be strong. 

"Quit the act, Park Jimin. I know you want to cry and scream," he laughed evilly. "You're just too good for all of that, huh? Your damn confidence and narcissism is what got you into this. And guess what? I'm going to keep saying that. I want to kill you not only physically, but mentally, too."

I huffed, strangling Yoongi in my mind. Yet I didn't say anything. 

"Your lip is bleeding," Yoongi informed, before standing up from his squatting position and brushing the dust off his hands. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it, I guess."

And with that, he exited the room, slamming the door behind him. 


Yoonhee's Point of View:

"Yoonhee...there's something I have to say," Taehyung said once Yoongi went to Jimin's room. He unplugged the machine from me, making me instantly regain some strength. At least enough for me to respond. 

"I don't have anything to say to you," I replied. "You cheated on me."

"How many times do I have to say this," Taehyung sighed. "I didn't cheat on you. You were the one that cheated on me."

"No!" I yelled. "I never cheated on you, because it was obvious that we broke up before that!"

"Aish Yoonhee. How can you be so unaware of your surroundings," he stressed. "Can you just cooperate with me for this once?"

"Huh," I asked, questioning what he just said. "What do you mean?"

"Min Yoonhee..." he drawled, as if he was almost regretting saying something, but then he continued. "I think there's something I should tell you."



Lol sorry...I know how much you guys hate cliffhangers XD So do I XD

I know how much you guys hate cliffhangers XD So do I XD

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