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Jungkook's POV

The past two days I was really thinking about what Yoonhee said...about Yoongi. 

I remembered all the times that he cried, or almost passed out, after us beating him up. 

And what did we do?


I'm never going to bully anyone again. I'm done. Enough.

But now the worst problem is...

If Yoonhee finds out that it was me who was bullying Yoongi, she'll hate me. Mark her words. She said it. And of course it's obvious. 

But Yoonhee is someone who grew special to me. I can't let her hate me. There must be some way to make it up...

And that's when I got an idea. 

Yoongi's POV

My alarm clock rang in my ears in the most annoying way possible. What a great way to start a Monday. 

Last night I came home pretty late, so I didn't get much sleep.

I lazily put on my clothes while brushing my teeth and I combed my hair with my fingers. Like I even care about looking nice for people that hate me. 

Lately, I've been missing a lot of school and it's showing on my grades. The teachers have had very long discussions with me about me missing school. They even warned me that if I miss more, I won't be able to graduate unless I take the year again. I don't want that crap.

I decided that I should start going to school on time and leaving on time. 

I peeked down the stairs and saw Yoonhee eating her cereal. 

Ah, Yoonhee. You and mom are the only people that appreciate me. I wish I could do more for you, instead of being an older brother that appears every now and then. 

I wish I could show you my lab, but I can't. 

I wish I could talk to you about my personal life, or tell you my secrets, but I can't.

I wish I could help you wish homework, but I can't. 

I wish I could stand up for you as an older brother, or give you advice, but I can't.

All these thoughts were ruining my mind, so I decided to skip breakfast. I'd quickly walk past her and hopefully she won't notice me because she was on her phone. 

I swiftly tiptoed down the stairs and speed walked towards the door, almost reaching the knob.

"Oppa! Good morning!" she said as I turned back. She had such a bright and warm smile...ah what did I do to deserve such a sweet sister.

"Morning Yoonhee," I replied. She looked at me with a confused expression.

"You're leaving this early!?" she asked, very surprised. I nodded. "Wah, that's a first! But I like it!"

I softly chuckled.

"Well, I'm going. Enjoy your breakfast and have a good day...bye," I said as I quickly left the room before she could say bye. 


I arrived school very early. There weren't a lot of students at all, and whoever was at school was chatting with their friends or on their phones. 

Sigh, I wish I had friends. 

Since I was about half an hour early and my backpack was heavy as a rock, I went to my locker and put in the combination. I was about to put in my backpack when suddenly a folded piece of white paper fell out of the cabinet and onto the floor. I quickly set my backpack inside and I picked up the paper and read it. It seemed a bit crumpled. 

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