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Jimin and I froze, and simultaneously turned around, revealing the strict discipline master, Ms. Cho. She's a woman in her forties who's obviously unmarried, probably because of her rotten and rude personality.

"W-we were-"

"Zip it Park Jimin! You're such a troublemaker, always getting yourself into unnecessary conflicts!" she was standing by the doorway, her hand on her hip. I guess the only way out of this would be to convince her...but my way.

"We're sorry if we caused any misunderstandings Ms. Cho, but we had permission from Mr. Han, the assistant principal, to be in here. He entrusted us to work without his supervision, since he had to run off to a meeting," I spoke in a smart tone. She raised her right eyebrow and adjusted her position.

"Then what business do you have in here?" she asked in a sassy manner.

"I needed it for a safety project for one of my scholarship clubs. We even have filled out and signed paperwork, if it's needed," I answered politely.

Ms. Cho drew her lips into a thin line, and sighed.

"Alright Miss Min Yoonhee. Since you're such a trustworthy student, I'm fine with you working in here. Only, what is Park Jimin doing in here? He surely can't be part of the club, too," she added. Wait, did she just indirectly call Jimin dumb!? What does this woman have against him!?

"Oh, Jimin? He's my cousin. Our moms let us come to school this early if only we stayed together," I assured, and she bought every bit of it. 

She made her way towards us, and looked at the front camera.

"What's Jeon Jungkook doing here!?" she barked. I think I've concluded that she really hates the whole group that Jimin and Jungkook are in. 

"J-Jungkook?" I took a look at him, and he was scrolling through his phone with his left hand in his pocket. "We came here with him too. But it wasn't necessary for him to come in, so he just stayed outside."

"Sounds suspicious," she muttered. "But, I can't help but trust you since you have full permission. Don't do anything stupid."

That was the last thing she said before exiting the room. 


Jimin and I got the full video taped. We did it quickly without watching it so that we wouldn't get caught by another staff member. The both of us covered our traces by deleting all of the history and instead scrolling through random cameras. 

As we exited the camera room and made our way towards the back exit, we made sure to bow to all the office staff members. 

"Did you guys get the evidence?" Jungkook asked enthusiastically as he shoved his phone in his backpack. I rapidly nodded with a smile as Jungkook pulled me into his embrace. Jimin was already taking out his phone to show the video, but then he looked at us. 

"EEEEWWWW!" Jimin grimaced. "I'M LEAVING. BYE."

He sprinted off, leaving Jungkook and I together. We both looked at each other, and laughed.

"He's such a weirdo," commented Jungkook.

"Pfft, at least he's more normal than you," I sang, teasing Jungkook.

"Yah!" he exclaimed as he began chasing me. 

The two of us looked like total dorks, chasing after each other like a cat and mouse with the biggest smiles plastered over our faces.


School had ended, and Jimin was no where to be seen. I thought he was supposed to show us the video evidence...?

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