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We slowly walked to Jungkook's car, Jungkook allowing me to take my time and walk to breathe as much fresh air as possible to calm me down. I already stopped crying a few minutes ago, I was just still in shock and my eyes were a bit red.

He opened the door for me, and I sat down. 

Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? Maybe he's actually not a jerk once you get to know him. 

We both stayed silent during the long car ride, wherever he was driving us to. Each of us thinking our own thoughts.

Jungkook's POV

I confirmed it myself: I do love Yoonhee. I don't know what it is about her, she just makes me nervous around her. I can't keep my cool when she's with me, I become a different, more warm person. 

The only way to have a chance with her was to break her up with Taehyung. I know that what I did was wrong, but my selfishness got in the way. 

Hyerin is in fact my cousin. I was lucky enough to think of hiring her. She even had the blonde hair that I lied to Yoonhee about. I'm glad Hyerin was able to do well.

I glanced to my right and saw Yoonhee daydreaming out the window as always. She must be so heartbroken, I hope I'll be able to cheer her up. 

There's no situation in which ice cream can't cheer someone up. 

After a few minutes of driving, we reached the ice cream parlor. It was near a mall plaza, so if you sat outside you could see the fountains placed outside of the mall. 

Yoonhee unbuckled her seatbelt gently and got outside. We walked in and she didn't seem happier than before. 

She closed her eyes as she sighed and put a smile on her face. 

"I can't be sad with you being so nice to me, I'll try to be happy," she smiled. I smiled back. 

"What flavor do you like?" I asked as we both looked at the variety of ice creams. There were many choices, starting from fruity flavors to the original flavors of vanilla and chocolate. 

"I think I'll take a scoop of caramel," she decided. 

"No, take two scoops! The scoops are so tiny, you'll be done in 2 spoons," I joked and she chuckled. Yet she still ordered the one scoop as the server put it in her cup. 

"Can I have that green one," I pointed to the bin, not knowing what flavor it was. The cashier looked at me surprised.

"This one? That's grass flavor," she said a bit judging. Yoonhee started laughing so hard that she almost dropped her ice cream. 

"Ah, no thanks...I'll take chocolate instead," I replied, as the server scooped my ice cream too and handed me the cup. I paid the amount and I looked around. "Yoonhee-ah, it's cold in here. Let's go eat outside."

She nodded and we went outside, and began walking around as she ate her ice cream. Her face was a lot brighter than when we entered, which was perfect. 

"Hey, you know you lost the bet, right?" I began looking at her and she ate a spoon not to reply. Cute. 

"Ah, that..." she replied awkwardly. I laughed. 

"I'll think about what I want later, k?" I raised and eyebrow and she still wasn't looking at me but nodded. 

Yoonhee's POV

Even though I was in a very sad mood, Jungkook made me feel better. We were walking around the streets for some time now, eating ice cream, and talking. 

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