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Yoongi's Point of View:

Determined to prove whether or not Baekhyun and Yoonhee are dating, I had to have a word with him, aggressively...

So, I slipped a note inside Byun Baekhyun's locker.

You probably don't know me, but there's something really important I need to talk to you about. Meet me after school at the lower gate

-Min Yoongi


Baekhyun's Point of View:

Just like the note said, I have no clue who this Min Yoongi is. And honestly, I'm very frightened and suspicious of what he's going to do. I mean, I did nothing wrong, especially considering the fact that I've never heard of him before. 

But, as I should, I'll meet him after school at his desired destination.


"Byun Baekhyun," I heard a deep voice call from behind. I turned around and I saw a boy with jet black hair about the same height as me, but had such a stern and scary presence with him. "I'm Min Yoongi."

"Ah," I smiled, trying to seem friendly. I didn't want him to hurt me! "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, I think we have something to discuss," he replied, crossing his arms. "Let's talk over at my place."

"Uh, sorry but I actually have to go to my singing class-"

"That can wait. Our business is more important," he said harshly with his eyes shooting daggers at me. 

As much as I don't want to cause any trouble with Min Yoongi, I also have to go to training today, or else I'll be eliminated! I'm a KPOP trainee at SM Entertainment, and today they'll be eliminating any trainees who aren't fit to debut. My hard work of four years will all go to waste!

"R-Really...today I have something super important to do. We can talk lat-"

"I SAID NO!" he fumed. At this point, I was angry too. 

"Well whatever you need to discuss with me, do it here and now, and make it short. The world isn't revolving around you," I hissed, pissed at Min Yoongi's arrogant behavior.

"Here?" he grew a sickly smile on his face, then it died down in a blink of an eye. "I'll give you one last chance. Let's discuss the issue at my place."

I crossed my arms.

"You can't just force me to go somewhere I don't want t-"


Yoonhee's Point of View:

The next morning at school, I had language arts first period. We listened to the morning announcements respectfully with our supplies already placed neatly on our desks.

"Students, we have breaking news," the office lady on the speaker announced with worry, getting everyone's attention. "Byun Baekhyun, Grade 11, Class B has been reported as murdered on this campus sometime after the bell at 3:00. His corpse was found near the back exit of the school, and seems to have been hit by a very hard object right on his head. If anyone has witnessed this event, please, immediately come report it to the office. Thank you for your cooperation."

Byun Baekhyun died!? He was such a nice person...I've known him since elementary school!

Who on Earth would have ever murdered him!!??


"Eomma!" I slammed the door behind me as I ran inside and into my mother's arms. "S-Someone in my school was killed yesterday!"

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