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"Ah," Jungkook stuttered. "Thanks...but I have a girlfriend."


"Oh, um, sorry!" she seemed embarrassed. That's what you get for flirting with my boyfriend. She ran off and passed me, which signaled me to go back to Jungkook. I galloped happily down the aisle and sat on the booth.

"Hi Kookie~" I smiled. "You're the best, you know that?"

"I know I am," he said with sass as he flipped his imaginary hair back. "Thank goodness you had pads."

I smacked him in the arm, because his sudden loud voice caught the attention of several old couples around us.

"Shut up! That's embarrassing," I whined. "I was just about to compliment you more but you make me want to take it back.

"No no!" he pleaded. "Continue. I like having the stubborn Min Yoonhee complimenting me."

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I was just going to say how I love that you're so loyal and caring," I remarked. "I overheard your little talk with the waitress."

A smile grew on his face.

"Ah, really? Well, if she was taller and more flat, then I just might have given her my number," he teased making me angry.

"I take it back, you're a jerk," I huffed and crossed my arms. Before he could say anything, that waitress awkwardly came in with our foods, and bowed before leaving. She couldn't look at any of us in the eye. "Did you see how red she was?"

"It was redder than Jimin's hair in Dope,"


"Nothing!" he said very defensively. I laughed and playfully smacked his arm. "Anyway...I think we can eat already."

He began quickly eating the food to shut up the topic. I also began eating...and eventually we turned it into a competition to feed each other.


Yoongi's Point of View:

I went home but yet again Yoonhee wasn't there, and mom was at work. Don't you think she's been a bit, suspicious? She keeps wandering off, and especially considering those heart texts she was spammed with the other night. Hm, I should look into it. 

What if she's out on a date? Well, she probably is. But I wonder who she's dating? Is he a good guy? 

Many thoughts crammed my head.


Yo dongsaeng, how are you?

A few minutes later, she replied.


Hi oppa! I'm good 


Yeah? Are you home?


Nah, I'm out




A restaurant


By yourself?

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