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Jungkook's Point of View:

Finally, school was over. I ran out the door and to my car. I'm planning on visiting my girlfriend on her first day of work. 

Since she works at a nice restaurant, I want to look presentable so that I can shoo off any guys that try to flirt with Yoonhee. She's such a pretty girl, and I'm sure Kim Taehyung and I aren't the only guys that like her. 

So, I wore a nice dress shirt paired with black pants, wearing my black timberland boots and a fancy watch. I admired myself in the mirror for a good portion of time. 

I think this'll do the trick.

Her shift starts at 5, so until then, I'll try to do some homework since my grades have really been failing recently. 


Yoonhee's Point of View:

"Dongsaeng!" I heard a voice yell from behind.


"Oppa!?" I exclaimed, turning around. It was Yoongi! "Oppa! You actually got out of school on time today?"

I waited for him to reach me, as he was jogging towards me.

"I'm not working on any projects today, so I thought I'd stay in school," he smiled as now we were walking home together. "How was school?"

"School was good...but guess what!" I beamed. He shrugged in response, waiting for my news. "I got a job!"

"A job!?" he bleated in shock. "Why? When? What!"

"Yeah, mom is having financial issues, so I thought I'd help her out," I acknowledged. He seemed to understand. "I work at this really nice restaurant not too far from our house. I'm starting work today."

"Ah, well, that'll be a fun experience, huh?" he joked sarcastically. I snickered.

"Yeah yeah. While you go and hide in your space mom and I go work. Such a nice life for you," I giggled, while he lightly pushed my shoulder. "And besides. Doesn't the man of the house usually work?"

"Now that's just plain generalizing, you discriminative child!" he joked, ruffling my hair. "Not everything always goes as planned."

"I'm just kidding," I chorused. He playfully rolled his eyes as we walked the rest of the way home.


"Eomma, we're home!" I yelled as Yoongi and I entered. Then I heard a large bang from above, and mom came running down the stairs. "Are you alright?"

"I've never had both my children come home together in such a long time!" my mom cheered. She had hair curlers in her hair, with makeup on her face. I guess she was doing her eyeliner, since only half the side was done. 

"Whoa, what's with the makeup?" Yoongi asked, surprised.

"Ah, this? My friends and I are going out in a little bit," she replied. "I made food this morning, and it's in the fridge. Make sure to eat well, especially you, Yoonhee, since you're going to have a busy first day at work. Yoongi, can you take out the trash? I have to finish getting ready, since I have only less than an hour to be done. Be good!"

She ran up the stairs, and I chuckled at how funny she is sometimes. 


As of now, Yoongi and I were sitting face-to-face at the dining table, sipping our sundubu jjigae (soft tofu stew)

"Will you have time to do your homework?" asked Yoongi, stirring his soup to make it cool faster.

"I think so. I'll do a little of it when I'm done with my food, and I'll finish the rest when I get back home," I replied, taking a spoonful and slightly sipping it.

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