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Yoonhee's Point of View:

A whole day has passed here, tied up in this cold and unpleasant room.

I hadn't heard anything from Taehyung since our conversation yesterday. The last interaction I had was with Yoongi.

But still, all I could think about was Jungkook.

Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook.

His face kept flashing through my mind.

All I hope is for him to be okay. I mean, Jimin, Jungkook and I might even be in rooms next to each other. Who knows.


Author's Point of View:

Yoongi and Taehyung both walked into the more secret room, opening the door and walking inside.

"How's it going in there?" Yoongi fiddled with the lifeless body that was attached to a chair and tubes similar to those of Jimin and Yoonhee, only, a different version. Yoongi mockingly laughed at the boy, who couldn't have seemed more dead than he was. "Taehyung? You good?"

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts, and immediately nodded his head.

"Oh...yes, yes," Taehyung caught on, joining in on the laugh with Yoongi. But inside, his mind thought otherwise.


Yoonhee's Point of View:

Yoongi eventually bothered to come in.

"Eat," he demanded, putting the tray on my lap. I rolled my eyes; I couldn't eat without my hands.

He realized, and clicked his tongue.

The food he had brought me was simple rice he probably made with a rice cooker. He fed it to me with his chopsticks, quickly, and then stood up to get something else.

He came in with a bucket and a bottle of water.

"Don't you need to use the bathroom?" Yoongi laughed. I only huffed, making it obvious that I did. "Well then...you can use this bucket."

My eyes shot up, but my mouth was tied, preventing me from saying anything.

He laughed again.

"Kidding. You'll use the bathroom I have here," he untied me, and guided me to the bathroom, still harshly gripping my arm.

How embarrassing.


From the light dimming in the window, it must already be night time.

This whole day, I had been bored out of my head. And hungry, too. I only had a small bowl of rice, and a few sips of water.

To keep me busy, I had been humming tunes to myself, or fantasizing stories in my mind.

"Psst! Yoonhee!" I heard a voice whisper-shout. I turned my head to the door, revealing Taehyung. He rushed inside, taking the rag out of my mouth. "Are you okay?"

"Not really," I answered in a monotone. Then I sighed, and asked the more relevant questions to the situation. "How are they? Jungkook? Jimin?"

"Jimin's in the same condition as you, only with bruises on his face. And Jungkook..." he took a moment before continuing. "He's not very stable."

"What!?" I retorted.

"Shh! Yoongi will hear!" Taehyung said in a softer tone than before. "I'm not the bad guy here. I'm helping you!"

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