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"This is your crazy idea!?" I exclaimed as I looked at the house in front of me. There were neon lights flickering on and off from multiple rooms, with booming music, and a visible mess from inside the windows. 

I'm NOT going to crash his older cousin's party.

He clicked his tongue and hit my back lightly with a smile. 

"Come on, it'll be fun!" he encouraged. We were standing outside of the car in the driveway, observing the college party in front of us. 

"No it won't..." I sighed. "We're not even in college yet!"

"That's the fun part," he chortled. "You get to crash and ruin a huge party!"

"But how will we even crash it, huh?" I commented on his silly opinion.

"By causing a disaster," he replied.

"A disaster?"



Are you at the power panel?




Alright, and is the hose faucet there too?


Uhh...yeah I see it


Perfect. Now I'll instruct you how to do it


I still don't get why I'm the one doing this! Why not you??


Because I have to distract my cousin


I don't think he would be paying attention to the electricity and water panels right now




Just do it, k?




What do I need to do?


Third Person's Point of View:

As Jimin was currently in the living room, making small talk with his cousin who was annoyed that Jimin was here, Yoonhee was at the side of the house, waiting for Jimin's signal.

Their plan was to turn off all the electricity so that the lights would go out, obviously startling the crowd. As they panic, Jimin would run out and meet Yoonhee, as they hose the inside of the house. Everyone would be confused and wet, and scared too. The plan was foolproof, and diabolical.

Jimin told his cousin that he was going to go get something to drink, when in reality he was going to go open the windows of the living room. Making sure the coast was clear, he unhatched the locks and opened the windows all the way, then quickly grabbed some soda and made his way to the side of the house, so that he was right near the patio door. 

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