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Hey, weirdo, I need a tutor...STAT! Come over to my house

School had just ended and as I was walking home I had gotten a text from that freak. 


I'm busy


Please! I need it so bad...I'll do anything

Anything, ay? This is a fair deal. I'll ask mom first. 

She doesn't like to text since she thinks that it's 'too casual.' Well, both Yoongi and I must get our weird traits from someone. So I called her as she prefers. 

"Hello? Yoonhee?" she asked as she answered my call. 

"Hi eomma! How are you?" I replied, trying to be polite before getting to say what I wanted. 

"Oh, good. I got called in at work and I have to stay in until night," she complained. "This stupid boss of mine has no mercy."

She whispered which made me chuckle.

"Awww, poor eomma," I said and she chuckled. 

"Ah my Yoonhee. Always knows what to say at the right times," she exhaled. "So, what's up?"

"Oh, um well my friend needed me to help study for the next test," I said again sounding weird because I didn't want to say 'he.' "So is it ok if I went and helped? I won't be there for too long."

"Oh sure sweetie. Since I'm out you can have free time, just don't stay out for too long and make sure to eat your meals," she spoke and inside I was so happy because sometimes my eomma can be very sweet and understanding. She's just strict other times because she loves me. 

"THANKS EOMMA~~~!!!" I cheered and she chuckled again. 

"Sure sweetie. Oh, I have to go, have fun! Bye," she said as she ended the call. 

Now to text Jeon. 


I'll come over if you'll do anything like you promised


Really!? Ok cool, come over right now


Yeah yeah I'm walking so I'll be there in like 10 minutes


Thanks Min


NP Jeon

And with that he texted something else but I just put away my phone. 

You know, Jungkook isn't a bad guy. Once you get to know him you see his caring side. I call him a jerk just because he calls me an idiot. It's like...nicknames. 

But you know what's even more weird? Last night I had a crazy dream. 

Jungkook and I were happily sitting down, watching a movie on my couch as we were sharing a bowl of popcorn which was placed right in between us. 

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door so Jungkook paused the movie and I went to open it, and I was greeted by a hug. 

"Yoonhee, my sweet daughter, it's me, Appa," said the man as he loosened the hug and I was able to see his face. 

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