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Tyler walked down the road wiping his tear stained cheeks. He cradled his throbbing arm against his chest and he pulled his sleeve up to inspect it. Blood was seeping through the white bandages and he was guessing that the scab ripped open.

He sniffed from his stuffy nose and he pulled his sleeve down. Tyler let out a shaky sigh as he watched the sun slowly go down. His head was drowning in thoughts and it was killing him.

Tyler bit his lip in thought before taking a turn. He made his way down the street before he walked into the Hub. Tyler walked up to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools. The bartender, Lyndsey, walked over to Tyler. She smiled, "bad night?"

Tyler rubbed his eyes, "is it that obvious?"

Lyndsey nodded, "oh ya. Wanna drink?"

Tyler sighed, "ya, please."

Lyndsey chuckled, "y'know, your gonna get me arrested one day, kid." Tyler rolled his eyes and she snorted, "damn, you must've really had a bad day. Giving me sass like that."

Tyler closed his eyes, "Lyndsey, please just get me a drink."

Lyndsey held her hands up in surrender, "alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist."

Tyler let out a huff and watched as Lyndsey brought him a drink. Tyler raised an eyebrow, "how strong is this?"

"Strong enough that by time you'll have a few drinks you'll be totally wasted."

Tyler sighed, taking a swig, "good."

And Lyndsey didn't lie.

By time Tyler finished his third drink, he was sitting on top of the counter giggling as a few men were surrounding him. They were all in there late or mid twenties, but Tyler didn't really mind.

Tyler leaned forward slightly, letting out a drunken giggle, "your really cute." He tapped done of the guys on the nose with his index finger and he guy smirked at him. Tyler lifted his drink to his mouth, only to pull it away and pout, "ugh, it's empty."

One of the other guys pulled out his wallet, "I got it." Tyler watched as he ordered Tyler another drink.

Tyler grinned when the man handed it to him, "awe, you so sweet."

Tyler let out a gasp when he felt someone grip his arm. Tyler turned to see Brendon staring at him with wide eyes. Tyler grinned, "hey, Brenny! Have you met my new friends?"

Brendon let out a shaky breath, "Tyler, these men aren't your friends and we need to leave, now. Do you even know how late it is? Everyone is looking for you and your mother is loosing her mind not knowing where you are."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "oh my god. Have some fun, brenny. Let me live a little."

Brendon scowled, "Tyler, your seventeen, you shouldn't even be in here."

Tyler sighed, "fine, but let me use the restroom first."

Brendon sighed and let go of Tyler's arm. Tyler hopped of the counter and giggled when he nearly lost his balance. Luckily, Brendon caught him. Tyler quickly used the restroom and came back out.

Brendon started leading Tyler to the door but someone else grabbed his hand. It was one of the men from earlier and he had a smirk on his face, "leaving so soon, princess? Why don't oh stick around and we can have some fun."

Brendon stepped in between the two and gripped the mans shirt, "you better back the fuck off, man. I better not ever see you touch him again, understand me?"

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