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Tyler looked in the mirror and blushed. He was getting ready for the barbecue and he had just finished putting on the outfit Melanie gave him. He would be lying if he said he didn't like it. The white looked good against his tan skin. He had on a layer of mascara and he wore his white converse. Tyler walked out of the bathroom and downstairs.

Kelly looked at him and smiled, "where'd you get that outfit?"

Tyler brushed and mumbled, "Mel."

Kelly nodded, "well, you look very cute."

Tyler groaned, covering his blushing face, "oh my god, mom, I'm not cute."

Kelly chuckled and called for Madison. The three walked out to the car. The ride to Josh's house was short and Tyler hopped out of the car. There were quite a few cars surrounding the house. The three walked up the steps and Kelly knocked on the door. Laura answered the door and smiled, "hey, Tyler, Kelly, Madison. Glad you guys could come. Tyler, josh is in the backyard."

Tyler nodded and they walked into the house. There were quite a few people in the house, but there were more in the backyard. He passed Bill, who was at the grill. He grinned goofy you, "hey, Tyler! You look nice tonight."

Tyler smiled, "t-thank you."

He continued walking before he saw josh talking to Melanie and someone else. Tyler shyly walked up to them. Josh turned to Tyler and his jaw dropped. Tyler smiled with a blush, "hi, josh."

Josh grinned, "Tyler, you look gorgeous!"

Tyler's blush only deepened. Josh grabbed Tyler's hand, pulling him over to Melanie and the other girl. Melanie squealed, "Tyler, I told you you would look good." She turned to the other girl, "this is Marina." Tyler shook her hand politely.

Josh began pulling Tyler away, "lets go get some punch." Tyler followed josh back into the house and into the kitchen. Josh turned to face Tyler and gripped his hips. He pulled Tyler close and kissed him. "You really do look beautiful," josh muttered against his lips.

Tyler smiled, "thank you." Tyler kissed him back, the king his arms over Josh's shoulders. They only pulled away when they saw a flash. They turned towards where the flash came from. Laura was holding up a camera and they both blushed.

She grinned, "smile, you two!" They both turned to face the camera and smiled. She snapped the picture and winked, "good one." Josh chuckled and the two grabbed a glass of punch.

Tyler looked around, "I didn't think there would be this many people."

Josh shrugged, "eh, word spread around school from someone that there would be a barbecue at my house."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "and your parents don't care?"

Josh grinned, "as long as there's no alcohol."

Tyler chuckled and took a sip of the fruit punch. Tyler watched as Jon walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass of punch and halved at Tyler. He rolled his eyes and mumbled, "hey, Tyler."

Tyler looked at the ground awkwardly, "hi."

Jon let out a sigh and spoke louder this time, "enjoying your time?" He glanced at josh and rolled his eyes again. Tyler nodded and Jon walked away.

Tyler bit his lip and spoke in a hushed voice, "sorry, josh."

Josh's eyebrows furrowed, "for what? You haven't done anything?"

Tyler looked at him, "with what happened between Jon and I while you were in your coma."

Josh sighed and pulled Tyler into a hug, "that was the past, I've already forgiven you."

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