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Tyler walked inside his house, trying to be quiet. He forgot to call his mom last night, telling her that he was staying the night at Josh's. Tyler crept into the living room, hoping Kelly would still be asleep. Tyler froze when he saw Kelly glaring at him.

She stood up and Tyler could easily tell she didn't sleep at all last night, "where the hell were you? Nine, Tyler, you were supposed to be home at nine. Not seven in the morning."

Tyler rubbed his hands over his face, "I know, I'm sorry."

Kelly raised an eyebrow, "well? Where were you? You better tell me in ten seconds or else your gonna be in a whole lot of trouble."

Tyler sighed, "I was at Josh's. we were watching a movie and I fell asleep. I swear to god I meant to tell you. I'm sorry."

Kelly relaxed, "on thank god. I thought maybe you were out at he bar or worse or-" Kelly let out a shaky breath and placed a hand on Tyler's shoulder, "I'm going to go get some sleep."

Tyler nodded, "I'm sorry."

Kelly kissed his cheek, "don't be, I'm just glad your safe."

Tyler watched as Kelly walked upstairs. Tyler let out a sigh and sat on the couch, turning on the TV.


Josh woke up to an empty bed. He sat up in panic. He jogged down the stairs, "Tyler?"

Laura walked out of the kitchen, "he had to go home. He forgot to tell his mother he stayed the night and didn't want her worrying."

Josh nodded and relaxed, "ok."

Laura nodded for josh to follow her, "come here."

Josh raised an eyebrow as he followed his mother to the dining table. She sat down and so did he. Josh looked around, "uh, am I in trouble?"

Laura chuckled and shook her head, "no, you're not in trouble. But I want to talk about you and Tyler."

Josh shifted in his seat, "um, what about Tyler and I?"

Laura gave josh a knowing look, "don't think that I didn't see Tyler's neck."

Josh blushed and covered his face, "oh my god, mom, please don't start this."

Laura rolled her eyes, "I'm not starting anything, I just want to ask what you two are to each other."

Josh bit his lip, "I don't know... we didn't really talk about that, but we both still love each other. I-I think he might want to get back together."

Laura smiled, "he still loves you?"

Josh grinned, "ya, he told me."

Laura pulled josh into a hug, "this makes me so happy! I always knew Tyler was the one for you."

Josh blushed, "we still haven't talked about our relationship, but I'll talk to him about it today."

Laura nodded, "alright. And josh?"

Josh tilted his head, "ya?"

Laura smirked, "make sure you don't let your father find out what went on in that room yesterday."

Josh covered his face and let out a groan, "mom, stop it." Laura let out an amused laugh as josh walked away, embarrassed.


Josh knocked on the front door to Tyler's house. He looked down at the boutique of roses in his hands as he waited for someone to answer. Madison answered the door and grinned, "hey, josh. I didn't know you were coming over."

Josh chuckled, "ya, I guess I decided to just pay a visit. Is Tyler here?"

Madison nodded and looked at the roses. Her smile grew, "are those for Tyler?"

Josh nodded with a blush, "um, ya, they are."

Madison let josh walked through, "he's in the living room."

Josh nodded and walked into the living room. Tyler was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and watching TV. Josh cleared his throat and Tyler startled. He looked up and smiled, "hi." Tyler stood up and walked up to josh. Tyler blushed as josh handed him the roses, "what are these for?"

Josh grinned, "I wanted to talk to you."

Tyler frowned, "what?"

Josh chuckled, "it's nothing bad." Tyler let out a sigh and the two sat down. Tyler rested his head on Josh's shoulder, laying the flowers in his lap. Josh bit his lip, "so... what are we?"

Tyler lifted his head off of Josh's shoulder and furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

Josh shrugged and grabbed Tyler's hand, "I mean, what do you want us to be. Like, are we just friends or..."

Tyler looked down at their hands, squeezing Josh's, "I-"

"I understand if you don't want to get back together. I know that you're probably still unsure about all this and-"

Tyler cut josh off by kissing him. Josh let out a sigh and kissed back, leaning into Tyler's touch. Tyler pulled away, smiling. Josh grinned, "does that mean..."

Tyler breathed out a laugh, "I would love to be your boyfriend again."

Josh let out a joyful laugh, moving the flowers out of Tyler's lap and pulling Tyler onto his own. Tyler cupped Josh's cheeks, smiling as he kissed josh. Tyler began peppering kisses all over Josh's face, causing josh to let out a laugh. Josh pulled Tyler back into a kiss, missing his lips already.

Tyler relaxed into the kiss, tilting his head to he side. Typer pulled away when he heard someone cough. Both boys turned to see Kelly standing in the doorway. Tyler blushed deeply, "h-hi, mom."

Kelly smiled, "what do we have here?"

Tyler hid his face against Josh's neck and josh smiled, "uh, I asked Tyler to be my boyfriend again."

Kelly raised an eyebrow, "I'll take it he said yes?" Josh nodded and Kelly smiled, "well, I'm happy for you two."

Kelly walked out of the room and Tyler groaned, "that was embarrassing."

Josh let out a laugh, "not as embarrassing as the talk I had with my mom."

Tyler grinned, "what was it about?"

Josh covered his face, "she found out about what we did yesterday. Oh my god, it was really embarrassing."

Tyler let out a laugh, "oh my god, I'm glad I wasn't there."

Josh's rolled his eyes playfully, "your a dork, Tyler."

Tyler pecked Josh's lips, "your dork."

Omg guys my sunburn turned into a tan. THATS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Lol, I feel PROUD.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Have a nice day/night!! Byeeeeee


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