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Tyler slumped his shoulders as he walked into the art room. A few other kids were already in there and they gave him weird looks as to why he was here. Tyler sat down at the far corner table.

There were three other chairs at the table and he hoped they stayed empty. He picked at the paint that was on the table with boredom, already wanting to get home. Tyler looked up when the chair next to him scooted out. He looked up to see the girl from earlier sit next to him with a smile.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

Tyler shrugged, "I could honestly care less."

The girl sat down and held out her hand, "my name is, Bea. I just wanted to say thank you...for earlier."

Tyler looked at her hand before going back to picking at the paint, "shouldn't you be scared of me or something? You saw me nearly kill a guy, if I were you I'd be pissing myself out of fear right now."

Bea let out a laugh, "I'm not going to lie, I was pretty scared approaching you, but I can tell your not all that bad."

Tyler scoffed, "what's with artsy people and saying all this wise shit."

Bea grinned, "I don't know, maybe it's the fact that we think outside the box. Or maybe the fact that we see things that others don't see."

Tyler snorted, "you make it sound like you have a super power."

Bea laughed, "your pretty funny. Your name is Tyler, right?"

Tyler sighed, rolling his eyes, "the one and only."

Bea nodded, "I always hear about you around the school. I'm new here so I really don't know what's all true and fake."

Tyler smirked, "let me guess, everybody talks shit for the stuff I do."

Bea gave Tyler a confused look, "...um, no actually. I mean I did hear that you smoke and that you can get into some trouble. But people always talk about how your really kind and a lot of people even say your cute."

Tyler chuckled, "ya, I wouldn't exactly call myself nice...or cute."

Bea shook her head, "ok, I'm not hitting on you or anything, but I think your pretty cute. And your being nice right now."

Tyler glanced at her before concentrating back on peeling the paint, "no, I'm an asshole."

Bea furrowed her eyebrows, "how come?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow and looked at Bea, "you're really nosy."

Bra blushed, "oh...sorry."

Her voice became small and she looked pretty guilty. Tyler groaned, feeling kind of bad, "ok, I'm sorry. Your not really nosy...just a little bit."

Bra cracked a small smile, "see, your not an asshole."

Tyler chuckled, "believe me, I am, Bea."

"Alright, class, now that your all here, I would like to introduce someone who will be joining us," Dodie spoke to the class. Dodie smiled at Tyler, "Tyler? Would you like to stand?"

Tyler looked around, seeing everyone was looking at him, "uh...not really."

Dodie chuckled, "it's fine, Tyler, no ones going to judge you."

Tyler's eyes landed on Melanie, who was glaring daggers at him. Tyler sighed and stood up, "um...I'm Tyler and I was forced to come here." Tyler quickly sat down and a few giggled were heard. Tyler rolled his eyes when he heard Melanie scoff.

Dodie breathed out a laugh, "ok, how about we get started. Last time, we talked about expressing our emotions through colors. We talked about how just one color can say so much about the way you feel. But the way the painting was made can also say.

"If it was made with soft movement and soft, cold colors, the person could be sad. Or if the paint brush was used roughly to make harsh stoked with warm, vexed colors, that person might be angry."

Dodie smiled at her students, "emotions are often held in, which only make them stronger. We build these walls, only to find out...it's a dam. While many of us believe that dam can't be broken..."

Dodie turned to look at Tyler, "it can be. We only wish to believe that it is invisible."

She turned to face the class again and Tyler rolled his eyes, "behind that dam, are out emotions. The water is what represents out emotions. Soon, it's too much and the dam breaks.

"The emotions come out as raging waters that we can no longer control. But, we can try, with art. As I was always told when I was little, art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable."

Tyler tilted his head at that. He then rolled his eyes, blowing it off as bullshit that she's just saying. Dodie clasped her hands together, "today, I want you all to express anger. Find something that makes you angry, and take it out on the canvas."


Tyler carefully closed the  door behind him. It was a little after four, that's a whole hour after school got out. Tyler crept to the stairs and let out a scream when he heard Kelly. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

Tyler faced her and let out a deep breath, placing his hand over his heart, "oh my god! You fucking scared me!"

Kelly crossed her arms and tapped her foot, "can you tell me why your an hour late? You heard my rules, Tyler, you come straight home after school."

Tyler opened his mouth to speak, but Kelly cut him off, "and why the hell do you have paint all over you?"

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, ok? I joined this art therapy class after school."

Kelly looked shock, "an...art therapy?"

Tyler shrugged, "ya, I don't know. The art teacher wanted me to join it. She says I'm talented and shit and wants to help me or whatever, but I don't know. I made a deal with her that I would try it for a month."

Kelly smiled at her son, "ok."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "ok?"

Kelly nodded, "ok, as long as you come home right after that, understood."

Tyler snorted, "understood."

Ok ok, josh will be in the next chapters don't worry, I didn't forget about him. Lol. I have written so much, like, I have so many chapters written already because my creativity for this book is really flowing. I'm so excited!!! Ok, well, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a nice gay/night!! Byyyyyyye


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