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Tyler shut his locker and jumped when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at Melanie, "hey, Mel."

She grinned, "hey, Tyler. Movie night at my house tonight, are you gonna be there?"

Tyler nodded and the two began walking to class. "Who's all gonna be there?"

"You, josh, me, and Ryan"

Tyler nodded, "alright." The two walked into class and took there seats.

Melanie smirked, "I was thinking we should watch a horror."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "you and josh both love horror. They scare the shit out of me."

Melanie cooed, "don't worry, josh will be there to protect you." Tyler snorted. Melanie laid her head are her desk, "what'd you do this weekend?"

Tyler shrugged, "I hung out with josh." Melanie cooed again, "you two are so cute. It was so weird when josh wasn't here."

Tyler nodded, "ya. I know I've said this plenty of times, but I really am sorry."

Melanie lightly pushed Tyler with her hand, "shush, we were both in the wrong."

Tyler smiled and nodded. Josh came into the classroom and sat next to Tyler. He smiled and pecked Tyler's cheek. Tyler smiled tiredly at him, "I hate school."

Josh chuckled, "don't we all. Are you coming to Melanie's after school?"

Tyler nodded, "yep."

Josh grinned, "good."


Tyler knocked on Melanie's door roughly, "Melanie!!! I'm here!" He yelled through the door."

Melanie answered the door with an eye roll, "can't you ever knock like a normal person?"

Tyler grinned cheekily, "nope."

Melanie chuckled and he two walked into the living room. Everyone else was already there. Ryan scoffed, "finally bro."

Tyler ran a hand through his hair sassily, "I like to be fashionably late."

Ryan let out a laugh, "fashionably my ass." Tyler pouted and Ryan cooed, "don't worry. Your the most adorable piece of trash I've ever seen."

Tyler perked up at that, "thank you."

Tyler walked over to josh and sat in between his legs , his back against Josh's chest. Josh smiled and kissed his neck, "hi."

Tyler turned around to smile at josh, "hi."

Melanie put the movie in and turned the lights off. Josh lazily wrapped his arms around Tyler and rested them on Tyler's stomach. Tyler played with Josh's fingers as they watched the movie. Tyler would jump once in a while, burying his face against Josh's neck. Josh chuckled and grabbed Tyler's hands in his. Tyler groaned and whispered, so the others wouldn't hear, "I hate horror movies."

Josh smirked, copying types whisper voice, "really? I love them."

Tyler looked at josh with a scrunched up face, "how? There so much blood and gore and everyone's just screaming and getting killed. It's horrid and psychotic." Josh couldn't help but laugh lightly at Tyler's choice words. Tyler shook his head, turning back to the movie.

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