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Jon pulled his shirt on as he walked down the stairs. Tyler followed behind him, having only a shirt and a pair of boxers on. Jon opened the front door and Tyler leaned against the frame.

Jon turned around and pouted, "how come I can't stay?"

Tyler snorted, "since when do you you stay? Besides, my mom will be coming home and she doesn't like it when she finds men in my room."

Jon sighed, "alright." Jon then smirked, "I had fun."

Tyler giggled and Jon kissed his sloppily, squeezing his ass. Tyler rolled his eyes playfully and slapped his hand away, "hands off, mister."

Jon snorted, "your such a princess."

Tyler grinned, "I know."

Jon began walking down the drive way and to his car. Tyler shut the door and walked back upstairs. He grabbed a sweater and a pair of sweatpants, before walking into the bathroom. Tyler looked in the mirror and sighed.

He tilted his head to the side and ran his hand over the hickies that littered his neck, ignoring the quilt in the pit of his stomach. He sighed and undressed to take a shower.

By time Tyler finished his shower and had dinner, it was six. Tyler pulled on the sleeved of his sweater, shivering from how cold it was in the house. Tyler bit his lip and looked at the time.

He didn't have anything to do, maybe he could visit josh. Tyler stood up and slid on his shoes. He grabbed his car keys and made his way to the door. Before Tyler could open it, Kelly opened it from the other side.

She smiled, "hey, Tyler. How was school?"

Tyler shrugged, "good, I guess."

Kelly then frowned. She tilted Tyler's head and scanned the hickies. Tyler closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Kelly brought her hand back to her side, "Tyler..."

"mom, don't."

Kelly scowled, "no, I'm tired of this, Tyler. I'm tired of you bringing home countless men in the middle of the night or when I'm not home. I'm tired of it."

Tyler looked anywhere but Kelly's eyes. Kelly grabbed Tyler's chin and forced him to look at her, "I've kept my mouth shut for too long, Tyler, and I think it's about time I put my foot down.

"Don't think that Brendon didn't tell me how he got a call in the middle of the night from you, asking to pick you up from the station. I honestly can't keep track of how many times you've been down there and I'm sick of it."

Tyler jerked his head away from Kelly's grip, "just drop it, ok?"

Kelly snapped, "no, I'm not dropping it! Tyler, I'm setting a curfew. If your not home by nine, there will be consequences. And you will tell me where your going for now on. Understand me?"

When Tyler didn't answer, Kelly raised her voice, "understand me!?"

Tyler's jaw clenched, "yes."

Tyler pushed passed her, but Kelly grabbed his arm. He winced slightly when the bandages rubbed against his skin, but ignored it. "And where do you think your going?"

Tyler pulled his hand away and glared, "I'm going to see josh, can I go now?

Kelly sighed, her face softening, "ok. Just...just be home by nine, ok?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, whatever."

Tyler began walking to his car, but Kelly stopped him again. Kelly frowned, "Tyler, you know I'm only trying look out for you, right? I care about you to much to loose you."

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