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Tyler walked into the art room after school. He made his way over to the same table he sat at last time and sat down. Soon enough, Bea car in and sat next to him. She grinned, "hey, Tyler. You don't mind if I still sit here, right?"

Tyler shook his head, smiling slightly, "I don't mind."

Bea gasped, "did I just see the Tyler Joseph just smile."

Tyler couldn't help but let out a small laugh, looking at the floor, "I guess."

Bea tilted her head, "well, something good must've happened, what is it?"

Tyler looked at her and couldn't help but smile again, "I saw josh."

Bea's eyebrows furrowed, "the guy who was in a coma? I heard about him from other people."

Tyler nodded, "ya, well, he woke up a while ago and I finally went to see him. My friend had to force me, cause I was too scared."

Bea scooted closed, "why were you scared?"

Tyler didn't know why he felt so comfortable telling all this to Bea. Maybe it was because in a way, they were the same. They've both been bullied and they know how it feels to have to put up walls and fight off the pain.

"He was my boyfriend before he got in the wreck. Through out the period of time he was in the coma...it's been rough. I'm scared to love him again, so I avoided seeing him."

Bea frowned, "that sounds horrible. Are you guys back together now?"

Tyler shook his head, "no, but it's for the best."

Bea tilted her head, "how?"

Tyler smiled sadly, "that way neither of us get hurt."

Bea nodded, but she still didn't understand. Maybe that's one thing that she and Tyler didn't see eye to eye about. Dodie walked into the room and grinned, "good afternoon, class."

Everyone said hello back and Dodie pulled out a canvas, "I looked at your guy's art work from our last meet up. This one really spoke out to me, but they didn't sign there name or anything."

Tyler frowned, that was his.

It really wasn't anything but angry lines of red and black. Dodie tilted her head as she began to explain how she saw it. What scared Tyler was how she was able to pinpoint exactly what Tyler felt when he made.

She said make something angry, but the way she described it was the way Tyler felt. Tyler glared at Dodie, not liking the way she could read him so easily.

It must be witch craft.

Tyler thought to himself. Dodie turned to the class, "would anyone like to claim this?"

Everyone began looking between each other, but Tyler didn't dare say it was his. He didn't need the whole class knowing how he felt. Bea frowned, "who do you think made it?"

Tyler shrugged, acting as if he didn't care, "I don't know."

Bea turned to look at Tyler, "I think it's pretty, do you?"

Tyler looked to look at his art work, "I think the person who made it has a lot to work through."

And oh how that was true.


Tyler jogged out of the school building, wanting to get home. "Tyler!" Tyler turned around to see Bea making her way to Tyler. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "'is it ok if I walk with you?"

Tyler shrugged, "I don't care. Do you go this way?"

Bea nodded and the two began walking down the sidewalk. They were silent and Tyler jumped slightly when Bea broke it, "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "what would make you think that?"

Bea blushed, "I just really don't have a friend here. I mean, I'm guessing you can already tell from the other day, people don't seem to have a liking towards me."

Tyler shook his head, "your not bothering me, I know what it's like to be alone."

Bea looked at him surprised, "you do?"

Tyler nodded, "I was bullied at my last school."

Bea frowned, "how come? Your really sweet." Tyler snorted, "ya, but when your gay and wear mascara, people find you as a target."

Bea shook her head, "that's horrible."

Tyler scoffed, "it is, but I moved here and I made friends."

Bea smiled, "Ryan seems really nice. That's one of your friends, right? I've seen you talk to him."

Tyler smiled, "ya, he's my best friend. He's there for me even though I do shit that drive people away."

The two walked in silence for the rest of the way. Tyler stopped in front of his house and raised an eyebrow, "do you wanna come in?"

Bea shook her head, "oh no, it's fine. I don't want to intrude."

Tyler shrugged, "you wont be intruding. I mean, my friend, Olivia, climbs through my window whenever she comes over."

Bea let out a laugh, "really? I'd be too scared to fall."

Tyler snorted, "ya, well Olivia is an idiot, but I like her anyway. So do you wanna come in?"

Bea looked at Tyler's house before smiling at Tyler, "sure." The two walked up the driveway and Tyler opened the door for Bea. Bea smiled, "why thank you."

Tyler closed the door behind him and they were stopped by Kelly. She raised an eyebrow, "uh, is this a friend of yours?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, she in my therapy art class."

Kelly smiled and held out a hand, "I'm Kelly, Tyler's mom."

Bea happily shook Kelly's hands, "Bea, nice to me you."

Tyler rolled his eyes, tugging Bea towards the stairs, "ya, ya, ok. Lets go."

Tyler and Bea made their way to Tyler's room. Bea glanced to Tyler, "do you and your mom get along well?"

Tyler shrugged, "sometimes. we argue a lot because she's worried about me or something like that."

Bea nodded, "oh. She seems nice."

Tyler smiled lightly, "she is, I just stress her out."

Bea let out a laugh and sat on Tyler's bed, "you must be a handful." Tyler sat next to her and she looked around the room, "I like your room...it's unique."

Tyler shrugged, "I guess."

Bea turned to Tyler, "can I hear more about this Josh?"

Tyler bit his lip and looked at his feet, "sure, what do you want to know about?"

Guys, I've started this new coping mechanism when my anxiety gets bad or on days I feel like shit. I have this journal where I write poems and stuff and it really helps. But my creativity for poems and sketches aren't around 24/7. So I found this new way where I just list things that I like or things that make me happy. It's actually really helps, it really soothes me and it's pretty fun. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I love Bea. Have a nice night/day!! Byeeeee


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