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Tyler flipped through the tv channels wth boredom. Kelly can up and kissed the top of his forehead, "Hayley should be here any minute, I have to leave, though."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I'll be fine, I'm not six."

Kelly nodded, "alright, Madison is at her friend's house. If she calls don't ignore it, alright?"

Tyler sighed, "alright."

Kelly smiled and ruffled Tyler's hair, "have a good day, I'll be home in time for dinner. I was thinking we could all sit down and have a nice dinner, we don't get to do that a lot."

Tyler shrugged, his eyes focused on the TV, "sure."

Kelly nodded, "alright, bye, Tyler. I love you."

"Love you too," Tyler muttered back.

Tyler listened as the front door closed. It was only six in the morning and he didn't get an ounce of sleep. That happened a lot though, so he was used to it. Tyler rubbed his eyes tiredly and let out a yawn. He pulled on his hoodie over his pajama shirt and walked outside.

The porch was cold against his feet. The mornings were always a little chilly, even during summer. Tyler sat down on the porch steps and pulled out his cigarettes. The sun hasn't risen yet, but it should be soon. Tyler couldn't remember the last time he watched a sunrise, or even a sunset.

Tyler lit the cigarette and placed it between his lips. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Hayley's car pulled into the driveway. She got out and smiled at Tyler, "hey, Shorty. I didn't expect you to be up this early."

Tyler shrugged, taking the cigarette out from between his lips, "me neither."

Hayley chuckled and sat next to him, "why are you sitting out here? I mean, besides for a smoke."

Tyler looked up at the sky, "I don't know, though that I might wanna watch the sunrise."

Hayley nodded, "mind if I join, then?"

Tyler snorted, "nobody's stopping you."

Hayley smiled and turned to face where the sun was rising. Hayley tilted her head, keeping her eyes forward, "I was thinking we could go somewhere today?"

Tyler glanced at her, "Hayley, I'm on house arrest, remember?"

Hayley chuckled, "ya, but if I'm with you I don't think your mom will care."

Tyler sighed, "ok, where were you thinking."

Hayley smirked, "it's a surprise."

Tyler scoffed, "I think I finally figured out why you and josh were friends, you both like surprises."

Tyler stood up, stubbing his cigaret against the bricks. Hayley didn't stand up, but she smiled at Tyler, "hey, you mentioned josh."

Tyler blushed and rolled his eyes, "so?"

Hayley shrugged and stood up, "you just usually don't like to talk about him."

Tyler walked inside, holding the door for Hayley, "that's only because I was trying to make a point."

Hayley snorted, "sure, get ready last. As much as I like your pajama pants, your not going out in public with those on."

Tyler looked down at his checkered sweatpants, "hey, I like these pants."

Hayley snorted and walked into the living room, "get ready!"

Tyler rolled his eyes and jogged up the stares. He threw on a pair of skinny jeans, not bothering changing his shirt and keeping the hoodie on. He pulled on his converse and walked back downstairs. "Are we really going to leave this early in the morning?"

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