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Tyler laid his head on Josh's chest, drawing shapes on his arm. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh through his nose. Josh ran his hand up and down the slop of Tyler's back, featherlight fingers lightly tickling Tyler's skin. Tyler placed a kiss on Josh's collar bone before laying his head back on Josh's chest. Josh ran a hand through Tyler's hair, "are you alright?"

Tyler smiled, "I can't remember the last time I've been this happy."  Tyler scooted up, placing his hands on Josh's shoulders. He looked down at Josh, who was looking up at him with the same smile. "You make me happy," Tyler said in a hushed voice.

He leaned down and placed a soft kiss against Josh's lips. Tyler pulled away and pressed his forehead against his. He closed his eyes, "I wish I would've just kissed you when you woke up, instead of hurting you."

Josh frowned, "Tyler, it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up over it. Your here now, I'm here."

Tyler smiled, "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I promise, I'm not ever going to push you away like that again."

Josh pecked Tyler's lips, "I believe you." Both of the boys startled when there was a knock at the door. "Uh, who is it?" Josh asked as he pulled the blanket higher over them.

"It's your mother, dinner should be ready soon. Is Tyler staying?"

Josh looked at Tyler and Tyler shrugged. He turned back to the door, "ya, he's staying. We'll be down in a minute."

"Ok, honey.

Josh listened as Laura's steps faded away. He chuckled, "that would've been awkward if she walked in here." Tyler let out a a laugh, burying his head against Josh's neck.

"Oh god, that would've been horrible." Tyler sat up and pulled josh into a sitting position, "we should probably get dressed."

Josh grinned, "nah, I think we should be good."

Tyler rolled his eyes playfully, "whatever, I'm getting dressed." Tyler stood up and pulled on his underwear.

Josh stood up and walked to his drawers, "you can borrow a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt." He handed them to Tyler and Tyler smiled. Josh glanced at Tyler, the hickeys starting to appear. He felt a swell of pride, knowing he was the cause of them.

Tyler blushed when he caught josh staring, "what?"

Josh grinned, "your just really beautiful." Tyler blushed more and looked at the floor. Josh picked up Tyler's hoodie and tilted his head, "isn't this mine?"

Tyler chuckled, "ya, you left it at my house a while back and I just kinda kept it. You can have it back if you want."

Josh shook his head, "nah, you can keep it. It probably looks better on you anyway."

Tyler smiled and pulled it on, "thanks." Josh finished getting dressed and the two walked downstairs.

Abigail patted the seat next to her, "TyTy, you have to sit next to me. It's the rules for now on."

Tyler chuckled and took a seat next to Abigail, josh sitting on his other side. Laura passed out the food and took a seat. She looked at the two boys, "so, what have you boys been up to?"

Tyler prayed that they didn't see the blush that filled his cheeks and josh let out a nervous laugh, "uh, we were just playing video games... and just talking."

Laura nodded, "ah, I see."

Tyler smiled at Laura, "the foods delicious, thank you."

Laura smiled back, "I'm glad you like it."

The rest of the dinner was pretty quiet, a few conversations here and there. When they finished, Tyler helped Laura with the dishes. He rolled his sleeves up and began washing a plate. Laura smiled, "you don't need to help, honey. I can get this."

Tyler shook his head, "its fine, I don't mind helping." Laura nodded and began washing the dishes with him.

"So, josh says your in this after school art class?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, it's kind of like therapy art, I like it."

Laura smiled, "I think it's nice you found a liking in art. It's such a great hobby."

Tyler helped put the clean dishes away, "it is. I've always kind of liked art, I guess I'm just now deciding I want to do something about it."

Laura wiped her hands on the rag, "well, I'd love to see your art sometime."

Tyler nodded and smiled, "I'd be happy to show you."

Laura kissed Tyler's cheek and patted his shoulder, "thank you for helping, now go have fun."

Tyler chuckled and made his way into the living room. He sat next to josh and Abigail crawled into his lap. Josh smiled at him, "is it ok if we watch a Disney princess movie? It's Abigail's night to pick the movie and she loves her princesses."

Tyler smiled at Abigail, "I like princesses too."

Abigail nodded, "one day I want to meet one."

Tyler gasped, "but you are one."

Abigail giggled and hugged Tyler, "if I'm a princess then you must be a prince."

Josh smirked, "nah, I think Tyler's a princess too."

Tyler rolled his eyes playfully and Abigail nodded, "princess TyTy. It sounds right."

Josh grinned, "it sure does."


Josh carried the sleeping Tyler up to his bedroom. He set him on the bed and laid next to him. Tyler smiled tiredly, his eyelids still closed. "your bed is comfy," he mumbled.

Josh ran a hand through Tyler's hair, "you can go to sleep if you want."

Tyler pouted, "only if you stay with me. I feel safe in your arms."

Josh smiled, "of course I'll stay."

Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler and Tyler snuggled closer. Tyler kissed Josh's shoulder, "your all I ever think about."

Josh kissed Tyler forehead, "is that so?"

Tyler nodded, "day and night, I thought about the day I would be with you again, even though I was scared to. I love you."

Josh closed his eyes, "I love you too."

Cute joshler fluff. Guys, you don't know how bad I want another cat. My moms stupid boyfriend kicked my two cats out of the house, so they have to live outside. Smh. They're not even domestic anymore. There barely around anymore, but when they are, they usually hang out with me.

I wanna cat that's orange or white and I wanna name it marigold. And if it's any other color than that, I wanna name it jellybean. Oh my god I just want another cat. I'm going to cry, but not really tho.

Wellll, hope you enjoyed!! Have a nice day/night!! Byeeeeee


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