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Tyler laid his head on Josh's lap. He let out a tired yawn as josh ran his fingers through Tyler's hair. Josh chuckled, "did she finally lay down?"

Tyler nodded, "mhm, she wanted to stay up and color more." Tyler pulled up his sleeve and show the many drawings on his arms. Many of them were butterflies made out of his scars. Tyler chuckled at them, "she really loves butterflies."

Josh grinned, "I can tell."

Josh ran his fingers over Tyler's arms before bringing them up and kissing them. Tyler smiled tiredly and played with the ring on his finger. Tyler let out another yawn and josh raised an eyebrow, "do you wanna lay down?"

Tyler shook his head, "I wanna watch a movie. We haven't got to spend too much time together."

Josh nodded and Tyler lifted his head so josh could get up. He grabbed a blanket and a tub of rocky road ice cream before sitting next to Tyler again. Tyler turned on the tv and played Mary Poppins. Tyler sighed and snuggled closer to josh, "I will forever love Disney."

Josh laughed, "me too."

The two watched the movie silently for a while before soft snored were leaving Tyler's lips. Josh smiled down at his husband and ran his fingers through his hair. Josh leaned in and whispered against his ear, "how about we go to sleep."

Tyler stirred slightly, barely opening his eyes. "no, I'm awake," he mumbled. Josh chuckled and picked Tyler up. Tyler whined, "I just wanna watch a movie with you." Tyler's eye slipped shut again and he snuggled closer against josh.

Josh kissed his cheek, "we can do that tomorrow. I have the day off."

Tyler sighed, "fine."

Josh carried Tyler up to their bedroom. Tyler was able to stay awake long enough to change into an oversized t-shirt to sleep in. He crawled under the covers and rested his head on top of Josh's chest. He was out faster that a lightbulb and josh chuckled. Josh closed his eyes and hummed lightly. He wasn't quiet tired enough to sleep, but he wanted to make sure Tyler got enough sleep.

Tyler still had troubles sleeping sometimes, but that was understandable. He still had nightmares every once in a while that would end with him waking up in a cold sweat. But josh was there to help him through it. He was always there. Josh opened his eyes when he heard the door opened. He smiled down at the small five year old. "Hey, Darling, I thought daddy put you down?"

Ruby climbed onto there bed and sat on Josh's stomach. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, "daddy forgot to tell me my bedtime story."

Tyler was usually the one to put Ruby to bed and he would always tell her a story to help her sleep. Josh sighed, tucking a strand love of Ruby's red hair behind her ear, "daddy was having a rough night, he didn't mean to forget."

Ruby looked at Tyler and smiled, "it's ok. Can you tell me the story."

Josh opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He really didn't know the story that Tyler told Ruby. Josh cleared his throat, "uh, how about this. Maybe you could tell the story tonight. Does that sound good."

Ruby gasped and bounced lightly, "ya. I like telling the story. Once I told the story to my friends and they really liked it."

Josh chucked, "alright, well, I can't wait to hear it."

Ruby nodded as she began to tell the story, "once upon a time. There was a young boy named Tyjo. He lived in a dark kingdom full of big mean monsters. Tyjo's job was to make sure the monsters never hurt anybody. So everyday, when the monsters came out, he had to fight them. But as the boy fought the monsters, they slowly began to grow bigger and meaner. It was harder for Tyjo to fight the monsters. But one day, a prince came to the kingdom. He had bubblegum hair."

Ruby giggled at that. "Daddy said that pink is his favorite color, right?"

Josh nodded, "that's true."

Ruby grinned, her front two teeth missing, "well, the bubblegum prince began helping Tyjo fight off the monsters. While they fought together, they became really close and soon they became best friends. They eventually fell in love. Daddy says that the bubblegum prince lured him in with his charming looks."

Josh let out a laugh and playfully rolled his eyes. Ruby giggled before continuing, "It took a while and it was very hard, by daddy said that the two were able to defeat the monsters."

Josh smiled sadly, "that's the story daddy tells?"

Ruby nodded, "ya, he said that Tyjo has battle scars to remind him of how brave he was to defeat the monsters."

Josh nodded, "Tyjo was very brave."

Ruby let out a yawn and crawled between the two. She closed her eyes and mumbled, "do you think daddy got his scars from fighting off big mean monsters?"

Josh bit his lip, "ya, daddy got his scars from fighting of monsters."

Ruby opened one eye, "did he win like Tyjo and the bubblegum prince?"

Josh smiled, "ya, he kicked their butts."

Ruby grinned, "daddy is a total badass."

Josh's eyes widened but he couldn't help to let out a laugh, "Ruby, where did you learn that word?"

Ruby shrugged as she closed her eyes again, "uncle Brenny, why?"

Josh let out a groan, "of course it was Uncle Brenny. Why don't you get some sleep, love."

Ruby nodded, "ok. Can daddy make pancakes tomorrow?"

Josh glanced at his sleeping husband, "how about we get some donuts so daddy can sleep in, ok?"

Ruby yawned, "I like donuts too."

Josh kissed her forehead, "goodnight, love bug."

He chuckled when he heard the five years old snoring. Josh startled slightly when Tyler mumbled something, "did she say badass?"

Josh grinned, "ya, I think we're gonna have to talk to Brendon about his language in front of her." Tyler nodded and hummed in agreement. Josh raised an eyebrow, "were you awake the whole time?"

Tyler nodded slowly, his eyes still closed, "ya."

Josh tilted Tyler's chin up and Tyler finally opened his eyes, "I like the story."

Tyler smiled tiredly, "is it because you're a prince in it?"

Josh chuckled, "that too, but mostly..." josh pecked Tyler's lips, "because Tyjo defeats the monsters."

Tyler placed his hand on Josh's cheek, "he couldn't have done it without the Bubblegum prince."

Josh rested his forehead against Tyler's, "I love you, Tyler. So much." Tyler closed his eyes and kissed josh. Josh kissed back happily, caressing Tyler's cheek lightly. They pulled away and Tyler smiled widely.

"I love you too, my bubblegum prince."

Awe I love how I ended this. Man, I'm glad I didn't go with my first plan this is adorable. Anywayyyy, thank you so so so soooo much for reading this!! I personally like serendipity and this. It really does mean a lot to me when people vote and comment. I get so excited when I see people commenting and getting to see how people react to my writing. I know I'm not the best writer but I really do appreciate that people enjoy my books. So I'm truly thankful!!

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a wonderful day/night!! Thank you again for reading!!


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