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A gunshot resounded through the house. Everything went silent.

Josh stopped banging on the door and Kelly and Madison were frozen in place. Everything was in slow motion for josh. He rested his forehead against the door and suddenly he couldn't cry. He heard Kelly drop to her knees, bursting into tears. Madison, too, was crying. Josh slowly fell to his knees, placing his hands on the door.

He finally found his will to cry again and burst into tears, "no, no. Tyler, please."

Josh's body shook with every cry and he squeezed his eyes shut. The bathroom door suddenly unlocked and Josh's head shot up. He scooted away from the door as it slowly opened. Josh's eyes widened when he saw Tyler standing on the other side. Josh could easily tell Tyler was crying too and the gun dangled from Tyler's hand.

Josh glanced behind Tyler to see a huge bullet hole in the wall. Tyler dropped the gun and fell to his knees. He stared at Josh with wide eyes and whispered, "I couldn't do it." Tyler let out a sob and josh was instantly by his side. He pulled Tyler into a hug, letting out a cry. "I-I'm so sorry, josh."

Josh only hugged Tyler tighter. Kelly and Madison both joined the hug and they all cried together. They only pulled apart when they heard sirens and a knock on their door. Kelly wiped her eyes and stood up on shaky legs. "I-I'll be back."

Madison followed Kelly out of the room and downstairs. Josh picked Tyler up and carried him to the bed. Josh set Tyler down on the bed and Tyler instantly clung onto Josh's arm. Tyler stared at josh with wide eyes, "p-please don't leave me."

Josh shook his head, "wasn't planning on it."

Josh took off his shoes and laid next to Tyler. Tyler curled up against him as he cried silently. Josh wrapped his arms around the fragile boy. After a while Tyler fell asleep and Kelly came into the room. Josh looked at her with a questioning look. Kelly sighed, "that was the cops. One of the neighbors heard the gunshot and thought maybe someone broke in. But I explained what happened."

Josh nodded, "are you ok?"

Kelly nodded, "y-ya. What about Tyler?"

Josh ran a hand through Tyler's hair, "I don't think he's gonna be fine for a while, but he didn't go through with it, that's a good sign."

Kelly gulped, "o-ok. I'll let you two sleep. You look exhausted."

Josh smiled weakly, "thanks."

Kelly left the room and josh looked back at Tyler, who was now awake. "I'm sorry," Tyler whispered.

Josh shook his head, "I'm just glad your here." Tyler nodded and looked away from Josh's gaze. He startled when josh spoke again, "w-why?"

Tyler looked at him with wide eyes, "what?"

Josh wiped his watering eyes, "w-why did you...try to end it?"

Tyler bit his lip, forcing the tears back, "Im tired."

Josh's eyebrows furrowed together, "tired?"

Tyler gulped, "of all this pain. I just wanted it to go away. B-but then you showed up...and it went away. It always goes away when your around." Tyler sat up and so did josh. Tyler reached under the pillow and pulled out the folded piece of paper. Josh looked at it and then back at Tyler. "T-this was supposed to be for you...after I died."

Tyler handed josh the paper and josh stared down at it. He took a deep breath before ripping it in half. Josh lifted Tyler's chin, forcing Tyler to look at him with wide eyes. Josh leaned closer and spoke in a whisper, "no more suicide notes, understood?"

Tyler nodded with a gulp, "understood."

Ooooone more chapter. Which is the epilogue. Whew, aren't you just glad that everything turned out just fine?? I am.

Actually, this wasn't my first plan. My first plan was that Tyler actually did kill himself and this chapter was going to be his funeral. It was gonna be super emotional but then I was all....nah. Cos I didn't want Tyler to die and I was like bby no you gonna live yo life. So ya, Tyler doesn't die. YOUR WELCOME!!

P.s. Yoooo we got 1.69k reads 🤘🤘🤘

Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Have a nice day/night!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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