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Josh made his way towards the lunch room. He was stopped when someone called out his name. He turned around to see Melanie jogging up to him, running right into his arms. He smiled, "Melanie!"

Melanie let out a cry, hugging Josh's tightly, "god I've missed you."

Josh squeezed tighter, closing his eyes, "I've missed you too. How are you?"

Melanie smiled and pulled away, "great, I'm so glad your back. Nothing's been the same without you."

Josh's smile turned to a sad one, "ya." He looked at Melanie with sympathetic eyes, "I heard you and Tyler were no longer friends."

Melanie shrugged, looking at her feet, "ya, were not friends."

Josh frowned, "I'm sorry."

Melanie raised an eyebrow, "why are you sorry? Tyler was the jackass."

Josh raised his eyebrows, "what?"

Melanie scoffed, "ya, while you are gone, Tyler became a total asshole."

Josh's frown deepened, "I... didn't know that. We haven't talked a lot."

Melanie tilted her head, "really?"

Josh shook his head, "he didn't want to get back together."

Melanie's face dropped, "wha- I'm sorry Josh, you don't deserve that. I say find someone who could treat you better."

Josh let out a sad chuckle, "I don't think it's that easy. I still love him, a lot."

Melanie looked at the ground, "ya, well Tyler lost all the love in his heart, so I'd just move on. It's not worth going through the pain."

Josh sighed, "but... I feel like he still has love in his heart."

Melanie shook her head, "I don't know, josh. I'm just trying to look out for you. Move on if you don't want to get even more hurt than you already are."

Melanie then smiled, "I'll see you around. I'm happy you're back."

Josh watched as Melanie walked away. Josh let out a deep sigh, continuing his way to the cafeteria. He slowed to a stop when he spotted Ryan, with Tyler sitting next to him. He couldn't help but feel slightly angry at Tyler. Josh let out a huff, sitting on the other side of Ryan.

There was only another girl sitting with them. She looked at josh curiously and Ryan smiled, "Bea, this is Josh."

Bea gasped, "wait, your josh?" Josh nodded and Bea grinned, "oh my god, I've heard such good things about you. My names Bea."

Josh smiled politely, "nice to meet you Bea."

Tyler turned to Bea and they stayed talking. Ryan glanced at Josh, "I saw you talking to Melanie, she seemed happy to see you."

Josh nodded, "ya, I was happy to see her too." Josh glanced at Tyler again, the anger coming back. He spoke louder enough for Tyler to hear, "I met this guy earlier, he seemed pretty cool. His name is Jon, know him?"

He looked at Tyler and Tyler but his lip, "uh, ya."

Josh nodded, "oh, cool. Is he your friend? You guys seem close, to what I saw in the hallway earlier today."

Tyler gulped and Ryan gave josh a warning look. Tyler played with his food and muttered quietly, "y-ya, were good friends, I guess." Tyler felt his heart pick up as all three of them were staring at him. Bea looked slightly confused.

Josh narrowed his eyes, "are you sure you're just good friends? Because I think Jon might think it's a little more than that, do you think it's more than just friends, Tyler? Does he know you sleep around with other guys too?"

Tyler slammed his fork down, abruptly standing up. He breathed heavily as he looked at josh with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, ok?"

With that, Tyler stormed out of the cafeteria. Bea stood up, chasing after Tyler. Ryan looked at josh with raised eyebrows, "what the hell was that? I told you why he does what he does earlier, josh. You can't just throw it on him and make him feel more guilty than he is."

Josh covered his face, letting out a groan, "I know, I just couldn't help it. It hurts, Ryan. It hurts to see him just give himself away like that like he's worth nothing, because he's worth everything."

Ryan placed a hand on Josh's shoulder, "I know, josh, but you still can't do that."

Josh nodded, "I know, I'll apologize."

Josh stood up from his chair and made his way towards the exit of the school, where Tyler had ran off to. Ryan looked around, realizing everyone was still looking at him. Ryan shrugged, "what?"

Everyone turned back to their own conversations and Ryan shook his head, taking a bite of his pizza, "nosy bitches."

Josh ran out of the school looking around to find Tyler. "Tyler?!" Josh looked over to see Tyler sitting on a bench, Bea sitting next to him. Josh slowly approached them.

Bea looked up at him, "um, I'll give you guys some space."

Bea stood up and gave josh an awkward glance. She hurried back into the school and josh took her place on the bench. Tyler kept his head in his hands, not bothering to look at josh. Josh looked at his own hands, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said."

Tyler didn't answer and josh looked at him worriedly, "Tyler?" Tyler still didn't look at josh and josh frowned, "I really am sorry, Tyler. What I said was horrible-"

"you're right." Tyler raised his head out of his hands, looking at the ground, "I'm a slut."

Josh shook his head, "no, you're not, Tyler. I should have never said what I said."

Tyler let out a scoff, finally looking at Josh, "well you did, and you were right."

Josh grabbed Tyler's hand, "no, I was wrong. I was angry."

Tyler yanked his hand away and glared at josh, "why the hell are you mad? You shouldn't be, we're not together anymore."

Tyler's words stung, but josh shook them off, "because I still care about you, Tyler. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad because you're just throwing yourself away like like that. Letting all these men just take advantage of you."

Tyler looked at josh with wide eyes. He never really thought of it that way, and he didn't really like thinking of it that way. Tyler stood up and began walking away. Josh scrambled to his feet, "Tyler, wait."

Tyler didn't answer, but Josh's didn't give up. He grabbed Tyler's hand, pulling him into a hug. Tyler hugged back immediately, burying his face against Josh's neck. Josh rubbed Tyler's back soothingly, "I'm so sorry, Tyler. Your not a slut, ok?"

Tyler nodded against his neck. Josh pulled away, taking Tyler's face between his hands, "I want to here you say it."

Tyler gulped, keeping his gaze on Josh's chin instead of his eyes, "I-I'm not a slut."

Josh smiled and found himself leaning in slightly. Tyler grabbed Josh's wrist, slowly pulling Josh's hands away from his face. Josh sighed, frowning slightly when Tyler took a small step back. Tyler forced a smile, "we should probably go back in."

Josh nodded, "ya."

They began walking back to the school, but Tyler stopped josh. He smiled, "your a good friend, I'm glad your back." Josh smiled and Tyler placed a hesitant kiss to Josh's cheek.

Omg guys, I got my braces off today!!! My mouth feels really weird and just whoah. I forgot what it was like to not have braces. Lolll. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Have a nice day/night!!


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