The Only Healer: Part 19 of 5

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"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower." Flowey smiled at each of them.

"You c-can heal h-him?" Alphys asked.
In response, Flowey flicked out two of his vines, green healing magic lighting up all along their lengths. He smiled smugly.

"Th-that could a-actually work!" Alphys said, clapping her hands together.

"No!" Everyone turned to Sans, who now had a look of panic on his face. "Please.. I-I don't want him to touch me.."

"Sans." Papyrus grasped his hand reassuringly. "This is the only way you can heal. If you don't, you can die."

Sans swallowed nervously, staring at the flower like a caged animal. Flowey only smiled demurely back at him.

"Please Sans." Papyrus said quietly.

Sans looked up at his brother and saw that Papyrus was scared. Papyrus was afraid that his only brother might die. Sans swallowed. He couldn't do that to him. He couldn't let him worry.

"O-Ok." He relented. Papyrus squeezed Sans's hand, offering him a reassuring smile. "Go ahead." Sans swallowed nervously.

Flowey extended his vines slowly, circling them around Sans's legs and forcing them apart. Sans stared at Flowey fearfully. He knew what he could do, and visions from before were still plaguing him.

Then the vines entered him.

Sans cried out in pain, tears streaking down his face. Oh god, it hurt so bad! They were going so deep! Visions of thorned vines flashed in his mind.

"Hold on brother!" Papyrus gripped Sans's hand tightly. He felt his soul clench at the obvious pain in Sans's voice, but he knew that he had to go through with this, otherwise he might die.

Sans continued to cry, shivers wracking his body until they slowly died down to ragged breathing. He sighed as the healing energy finally overrode the pain, sending soothing energy through him.

Flowey's vines pulled in and out of Sans rhythmically. "Ahh~" He moaned quietly, blushing at the noise. How embarrassing! "U-Um, you can stop now, Flowey." He gulped, trying to control his voice.

"You're not fully healed yet. Since I'm the only one who's able to heal you, I should make sure you're up to full health." Flowey replied, concentrating on his vines.

Sans's soul drifted out of his chest to hover a few inches above him. Everyone blinked in surprise at the soul.

"Is-Is he dying?" Papyrus asked, fear in his voice.

"No, I do-don't think s-so." Alphys replied. "He's al-almost fully he-healed. So-souls only ap-appear outside a p-person if they're in a f-fight, about to d-die, or if they're.." Her eyes widened and she looked over at Sans.

Sans blushed deep purple and looked away. He had just got it too. If sexually aroused, sometimes a monster's soul would appear when the monster wished to have a child with the other person so that their souls' magic could meld. However, Flowey didn't have a soul, so it wasn't possible to have a child with him.

Alphys gaped at Flowey and Sans for a bit. Sans was blushing very hard and Flowey looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Or if they're what?" Papyrus asked, confused. He still didn't get it.

"O-oh! No-nothing! I d-don't remember what I w-was going to s-say." Alphys blushed and looked away.

"Um ok?" Papyrus still looked confused. "As long as Sans is alright."

"He's fine." Flowey said, a smug look still on his face. "His HP is fully healed now." He pulled his vines out, making Sans gasp.

"Thank goodness! I was so worried." Papyrus hugged Sans gently. Sans patted him on the back. "Thanks Pap."
"Now that you're healed, you can wear this." Papyrus handed Sans the coat he had used to wrap him with earlier. "It's a little bloody, but I don't think you'd mind."

"It's fine." Sans pulled on the jacket and zipped it up. It was way too big for him, reaching almost to his knees, but he was thankful. It would cover him. He pulled the sleeves back so he could see his hands.

"I h-have some qu-questions for you mi-mister!" Alphys said crossly. Sans looked back in surprise. "Te-tell me, did you kn-know how th-this happened?"

Sans blinked. "No." He replied, his face composed.

However, Alphys looked back at the monitors, which Sans was still hooked to, and saw that he was lying. She narrowed her eyes. What was he hiding?

"Did Frisk do this to you?" Papyrus asked.

Sans blinked in surprise. His brother was way too observant. He always had been more perspective of people's emotions and thoughts. But he shook his head, saying "no."

The monitor paused, then showed that he wasn't lying. Alphys looked back in forth between Sans and the monitor. "Al-Alright then.. Pap-Papyrus, can you c-come with m-me?" She looked over at the tall skeleton. "Sure." He replied.

Papyrus and Alphys left the room to discuss the predicament, leaving Sans alone with Flowey.

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